IdeaLab – invitation to a workshop and an information chat

Monday, 5 August 2019

We have the pleasure of inviting you to a workshop organised within the framework of the IdeaLab “Managing Threats” call, which is scheduled to take place between 21 and 25 October 2019 near Krakow. The workshop is open to researchers from Poland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland. The objective is to draw up ideas for joint interdisciplinary research projects carried out by partners from Poland, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein, the best of which will be eligible for NCN funding. The budget may include salaries of research team members, scholarships for students and PhD students, purchase of research equipment, as well as any other expenses necessary for the project.

The topic of the IdeaLab call aims to address the challenges faced by European society as a result of the complex processes underway today, such as globalisation, technological transformation, environmental and climate changes, demographic changes, migration waves or geopolitical instability. Details of the workshop topic and other important information about the call can be found here.

All researchers working in social sciences and humanities, life sciences, physical sciences and engineering are encouraged to apply. The innovative formula of the IdeaLab call should be of particular interest to those keen on creative and innovative endeavours, who display good communication skills, enjoy teamwork and like to engage in science outreach. The online application form, along with filling-in instructions, can be found at The deadline is 19 August.

On 13 August, NCN staff will be available to answer questions concerning the IdeaLab call during an information chat organised online at You can submit your queries between 11am and 2pm. In order to log in, you need only provide your name or nickname and e-mail address. The chat will be held in English and open to researchers from Poland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.