Oferty pracy w projektach finansowanych przez NCN

Narodowe Centrum Nauki prezentuje bazę ogłoszeń o wolnych stanowiskach pracy przy projektach finansowanych przez Centrum. Narodowe Centrum Nauki nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za treść i wiarygodność przesyłanych ofert pracy.

Uprzejmie informujemy o nowych warunkach zatrudniania osób na stanowiska typu post-doc: limit czasu upływającego od uzyskania stopnia doktora dla aplikujących na te stanowiska kobiet może być przedłużony o 1,5 roku za każde urodzone bądź przysposobione dziecko.

Oferta pracy

Nazwa jednostki: Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and InformaticsTorun, Inne oferty z tego miasta »
Nazwa stanowiska: post-doc (assistant professor )

The competition is open to persons who meet the conditions set out in Article 113 of the Act of 20 July 2018 - Law on higher education and science (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1668) and the following qualification criteria:
1. Required: a doctorate in physics, chemistry or a closely related field
2. Required: significant publication record in molecular spectroscopy or experimental techniques utilizing optical cavities
3. Required: experience in laser spectroscopy
4. Required: programming skills and experience in numerical methods
5. Preferred: experience in experimental techniques utilizing optical cavities, spectral line shape investigation, knowledge of molecular collisions theory
6. Required: good English (both spoken and written)
7. Teamwork skills and strong motivation for research work

We offer employment at a postdoc position in a research grant financed by the National Science Center, Poland within Sonata Bis 8 competition. The candidate must meet requirements of the Center, in particular have a doctoral degree obtained not earlier than 7 years before the year of employment in the project (this period may be extended in the event of breaks in the scientific career as defined by the Center). A person employed at the postdoc position cannot be employed under another employment contract at the same time.

Opis zadań:

The main task of the employee will regard spectral measurements of small molecules such as oxygen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide or water, with the use of measurement techniques utilizing optical cavities: cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS), cavity mode-width spectroscopy (CMWS) and cavity mode-dispersion spectroscopy (CMDS).The employee will also analyze the acquired data with the use of advanced spectral line profiles and work on development of experimental techniques, prepare research articles and present results during scientific conferences.

Typ konkursu NCN: SONATA BIS – ST
Termin składania ofert: 17 września 2024, 15:00
Forma składania ofert: email
Warunki zatrudnienia:

We offer employment at a postdoc position in a research grant financed by the National Science Center, Poland within Sonata Bis 8 competition:
Project title: High precision and accuracy spectroscopy of weak molecular lines of atmospheric gases
Project leader: Associate Professor Katarzyna Bielska

We offer:
• position in professional, dynamically developing team, recognizable in its field of research,
• possibility of conference trips,
• collaboration with the best molecular spectroscopy teams,
• no teaching duties

Remuneration amount:
140 000 PLN/year gross (full remuneration cost, including full social security and health insurance), approximate amount of net salary 6187 PLN/month.

Full-time employment.
Period of contract: 6 to 26 months
Position starts in: November 2024 – February 2025

Dodatkowe informacje:

Required documents:
• Personal questionnaire for the person applying for employment (form to be downloaded)
• Professional curriculum vitae
• Copy of higher education diploma
• Copy of doctorate certificate
• List of publications (including the publishing house/journal, year of publication, and page number)
• Declaration of consent to the processing of personal data contained in the job offer for the needs of the recruitment
process, in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of The Council od 27 April
2016 (L119/1) (form to be downloaded)
• Declaration under art. 113 ust. 1 ustawy Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym (o niekaralności) (Art. Paragraph 113 (1) of
the Higher Education Act (of no criminal record)) (form to be downloaded)
• Declaration that Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń will be my primary employer once I have won the contest
(form to be downloaded)
• At least one (max three) reference letters
• Cover letter addressed to Professor Andrzej Sokala, Rector of the Nicolaus Copernicus University

The project leader reserves the right to interview selected candidates.

The university does not provide accommodation. The university reserves the right to not choose any candidate.

Please submit the aforementioned documents to kbielska@umk.pl with annotation “Postdoc Sonata Bis
2024.09 (offer no 4514)" in the subject field or apply using online form on the university webpage:

Forms to be downloaded from:

Data dodania ogłoszenia: 2024-06-07 14:25:06

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