Oferty pracy w projektach finansowanych przez NCN

Narodowe Centrum Nauki prezentuje bazę ogłoszeń o wolnych stanowiskach pracy przy projektach finansowanych przez Centrum. Narodowe Centrum Nauki nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za treść i wiarygodność przesyłanych ofert pracy.

Uprzejmie informujemy o nowych warunkach zatrudniania osób na stanowiska typu post-doc: limit czasu upływającego od uzyskania stopnia doktora dla aplikujących na te stanowiska kobiet może być przedłużony o 1,5 roku za każde urodzone bądź przysposobione dziecko.

Oferta pracy

Nazwa jednostki: Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PANWarszawa, Inne oferty z tego miasta »
Nazwa stanowiska: PhD student

• Master’s degree in physics
• doctoral student at the Doctoral School (IPPT PAN doctoral school is preferred) with en-trance exam passed with at least 4.5 grade (overall average),
• experience in computational software packages (Mathematica, Matlab or Maple) and/or programming in C++
• advanced knowledge in condensed matter physics and quantum mechanics (BSc and MSc courses in „Solid state physics” and „Quantum Mechanics”) and keen interest to extend it (in particular 2D materials)
• knowledge of experimental methods such as UV-VIS Spectroscope, XRD, FTIR, NMR is not essential
Languages ENGLISH
Level: Fluent

Required documents:
1) CV with list of publications, projects, awards, trainings, etc.
2) Copy of Master’s degree diploma and Admission Letter to PAN Doctoral School,
3) Statement ("I agree for processing of personal data contained in my job offer for the purposes of the recruitment process conducted by IPPT PAN with its registered office in Warsaw, ul. A. Pawinskiego 5B, in accordance with art. 13 sec. 1 and 2 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the Par-liament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the pro-cessing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/ EC (RODO)“)
Applicants for the PhD position should submit the following documents via email to the address: pchudzin@ippt.pan.pl

Opis zadań:

The specific task of the PhD student will be to devise and optimise large scale structures for vari-ous chemical content of the 2D sheet. Of particular interest will be behaviour od domain walls (and associated lattice reconstructions) in complex Moire patterned materials. She/he will invesit-igate problems at the cross-roads solid state physics, materials engineering and computational engineering, such as the nature of screening and the influence of spin-orbit coupling on the inter-atomic interactions. Knowledge of quantum mechanics is desired and essential to develop these potentials. We are looking for a person with a keen interest to develop theoretical solid state phys-ics methods that can be applied at the frontier of materials science.

Typ konkursu NCN: OPUS – ST
Termin składania ofert: 31 sierpnia 2024, 23:59
Forma składania ofert: email
Warunki zatrudnienia:

1) Form of employment: scholarship,
2) Scholarship from the project up to PLN 5,000 / month and additionally as a doctoral student of the Doctoral School, possible additional granting of a doctoral scholarship ,
3) Doctoral student status in accordance with the regulations of the National Science Center https://www.ncn.gov.pl/sites/default/files/pliki/uchwaly-rady/2019/uchwala25_2019-zal1.pdf

Dodatkowe informacje:

THESIS SUBJECT: Large scale structures in Moire 2D materials
Dr hab. Piotr Chudzinski pchudzin@ippt.pan.pl

Data dodania ogłoszenia: 2024-07-24 14:26:33

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