Narodowe Centrum Nauki prezentuje bazę ogłoszeń o wolnych stanowiskach pracy przy projektach finansowanych przez Centrum. Narodowe Centrum Nauki nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za treść i wiarygodność przesyłanych ofert pracy.
Uprzejmie informujemy o nowych warunkach zatrudniania osób na stanowiska typu post-doc: limit czasu upływającego od uzyskania stopnia doktora dla aplikujących na te stanowiska kobiet może być przedłużony o 1,5 roku za każde urodzone bądź przysposobione dziecko.
Profile of candidates/requirements:
- BSc or MSc in biology, biochemistry, biophysics, physics, chemistry or related discipline;
- Excellent communication skills in English.
Key responsibilities:
- Planning, performing and analyzing experiments;
- Preparing manuscripts for publication in scientific journals.
We offer:
1. Participation in a cutting-edge scientific research project with a focus on biomedical application;
2. Training in cell biology, DNA nanotechnology and liposome reconstitution;
3. Possibility of co-authorship of scientific articles;
4. Work in a brand-new research facility within a stimulating, international environment;
5. Remuneration amount/month: stipend of up to 2.000 PLN/month.
About IMol:
The International Institute of Molecular Mechanisms and Machines (IMol) Polish Academy of Sciences, is a new and vibrant institute constituted in partnership with University Medical Center Göttingen, Germany and University of Warsaw, Poland. We provide innovative training, guidance and mentoring in an international “open door” environment with state-of-the-art infrastructure.
About the job:
IMol invites highly motivated Master’s or Bachelor students to apply for a 6-months, part-time internship.
You will have the chance to set up an innovative system to deliver nucleic acids, proteins and even entire organelles to cells. You will learn a unique set of skills in the field of bottom-up synthetic biology, using approaches and tools such as Giant Unilamellar Vesicles, DNA nanotechnology, confocal microscopy, image analysis and more. The result from your work may result in peer-reviewed publications or patenting.
Starting date:
December 1st, 2024 or January 7th, 2025 (the internship must be completed by June 30th, 2025).
Application deadline:
24.11.2024 - 23:59 (CET)
Required documents (in English):
1. Letter of motivation;
2. CV;
3. If possible, a letter of reference from a senior lab member or supervisor whom you worked with during your Bachelor’s project or internship or from a teacher from the undergraduate course (reference letter is optional, not required).
If you think you are the person who we are looking for, please apply by filling in this form: