Oferty pracy w projektach finansowanych przez NCN

Narodowe Centrum Nauki prezentuje bazę ogłoszeń o wolnych stanowiskach pracy przy projektach finansowanych przez Centrum. Narodowe Centrum Nauki nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za treść i wiarygodność przesyłanych ofert pracy.

Uprzejmie informujemy o nowych warunkach zatrudniania osób na stanowiska typu post-doc: limit czasu upływającego od uzyskania stopnia doktora dla aplikujących na te stanowiska kobiet może być przedłużony o 1,5 roku za każde urodzone bądź przysposobione dziecko.

Oferta pracy

Nazwa jednostki: Chair for Computational Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Cracow University of TechnologyKraków, Inne oferty z tego miasta »
Nazwa stanowiska: Doctoral student

Candidate must meet the following criteria:
1. Graduate of a full-time Master degree studies at a university, in the field of civil engineering, mechanical engineering, materials science, applied mathematics or applied physics.
2. Knowledge of mathematics and physics (in particular mechanics) as well as numerical methods (in particular the Finite Element Method) and programming at MSc level; this will be partly verified by the delivery of solutions to some problems in computational mechanics, announced in the 2nd stage of the competition.
3. Interest in scientific work which involves computational modeling and simulation, and ability to cooperate in a team.
4. Very good knowledge of English (in particular technical English) confirmed by one of the following documents: a) copy of certificate, level at least B2, b) confirmation that English is an official language in the candidate’s country of origin c) confirmation that the completed studies were conducted in English.
5. Knowledge of computational programs, e.g. Matlab, Wolfram Mathematica, FE software, and Latex.
Applications should be sent by e-mail to Principal Investigator Prof. Jerzy Pamin (e-mail Jerzy.Pamin@pk.edu.pl).

Opis zadań:

The PhD project will be carried out within Weave-Unisono project THERMINST on "Thermo-mechanical analysis of propagating instabilities in metals – from experiments to reliable numerical prediction", performed in parallel at Cracow University of Technology and TU Dortmund University, see
The scope of the envisaged doctoral research is the simulation of propagative instabilities by using regularized thermo-plastic models with experimental validation. The doctoral researcher will participate in the formulation and implementation of the developed simulation models and perform a large part of the computations. She/he will be responsible for verification of the accuracy of the models and will cooperate with the doctoral student at TU Dortmund University, performing parameter studies with identified material model parameters. The doctoral researcher will also be responsible for data post-processing and storage as well as for the documentation of the research in conference and journal papers.
More information can be provided by Prof. Jerzy Pamin (email Jerzy.Pamin@pk.edu.pl).

Typ konkursu NCN: Projekt międzynarodowy – ST
Termin składania ofert: 26 stycznia 2025, 23:59
Forma składania ofert: email
Warunki zatrudnienia:

NCN scholarship is offered for 36 months in the amount of 5000 PLN per month.
Date of start: March 1, 2025. Evaluation of progress of doctoral project after 1 year, positive result is a condition for scholarship continuation.
The doctoral student must be recruited to the Doctoral School of Cracow University of Technology in February 2025 and must satisfy all formal requirements in this respect, see
(for candidates from outside of Poland special arrangement concerning the recruitment time can be applied, in particular when there is a delay in formalities).

Dodatkowe informacje:

The competition will be carried out in 3 stages.

Stage I
Documents required by January 26, 23:59 CET:
1. CV including information about education and scientific achievements (publications, awards, participation in workshops, training courses, etc.)
2. Motivation letter including expression of interest in scientific work and description of ability to cooperate in a team
3. Diploma of completed MSc studies, issued by the candidate’s university, and (if not studied in English) a certificate of good command of the English language
4. Scan of signed document with the following content:

I consent to the processing of my personal data by Cracow University of Technology, ul. Warszawska 24, 31-155 Kraków in order to conduct the recruitment process, select a scholarship awardee and conclude a scholarship agreement with Cracow University of Technology.
Date and signature of the candidate

In the recruitment process the personal data of the candidate will be handled according to
The Commission will take into account the following evaluation criteria:
1. Candidate’s research achievements, including publications in academic journals (50% of the final score)
2. Research-related achievements, scholarships, awards and research experience gained in Poland or abroad, participation in research projects, workshops and training courses, (20% of the final score)
3. Candidate’s competence to carry out specific tasks in the research project (30% of the final score).
The results of stage I of the recruitment will be announced on January 27, 2025.

Stage II
Documents required by January 29, 23:59 CET:
The candidates qualified to stage 2 of the competition will be requested to provide scans of hand-written solutions of 3 announced problems in computational mechanics.
The results of stage II of the recruitment will be announced by e-mail on January 30, 2025.

Stage III
The Commission will evaluate the competences of the qualified candidates during online interviews conducted in English on January 31, 2025 starting at 12:00 CET.
The Commission reserves the right not to select any winner of the competition.

The final result of the competition will be announced on February 1, 2025,
and made public on website cce.pk.edu.pl.

The PhD degree will be granted in the scientific discipline Civil Engineering, Geodesy and Transport.

Data dodania ogłoszenia: 2025-01-07 09:07:10

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