Narodowe Centrum Nauki prezentuje bazę ogłoszeń o wolnych stanowiskach pracy przy projektach finansowanych przez Centrum. Narodowe Centrum Nauki nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za treść i wiarygodność przesyłanych ofert pracy.
Uprzejmie informujemy o nowych warunkach zatrudniania osób na stanowiska typu post-doc: limit czasu upływającego od uzyskania stopnia doktora dla aplikujących na te stanowiska kobiet może być przedłużony o 1,5 roku za każde urodzone bądź przysposobione dziecko.
Profile of candidates and requirements
1. PhD degree in physics, mathematics, computer science, or other relevant subject (PhD degree obtained no earlier than March 2018).
2. The candidate should be interested in the research topic of the specific group to which they apply, and have a deep knowledge of the related science.
3. Good written and oral communication skills are appreciated.
4. Knowledge of English sufficient to enable free communication.
5. The candidate should be committed to working collaboratively within an inclusive and diverse multicultural environment.
1. Actively conducting scientific research.
2. Presentation and discussion of ideas and results with a diverse audience at ICTQT and at external events.
3. Participation in seminars, group meetings, and other activities of scientific exchange.
1. We are looking for a Post-doctoral Researcher to work in the International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies (ICTQT) hosted by the University of Gdańsk. The position is offered in the SONATA-16 project led by Michał Studziński “Symmetries and entanglement in quantum circuits”, financed by the National Science Centre.
2. Form of employment: 75% of full-time equivalent (FTE)
3. Employment start date: 01.05.2025 (the start date is negotiable)
4. Duration period of employment contract: 6 months (part-time employment)
5. Gross monthly salary (with social security and health insurance) up to PLN 5 500
6. Employment in a rapidly developing unit, the International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies at the University of Gdansk.
7. Fund for travel and visits of collaborating scientists.
8. Scientific and organizational support.
9. Basic equipment and core facilities.
10. Friendly, inspiring, interdisciplinary environment, including close collaborations with the National Centre for Quantum Information (KCIK) and the Institute for Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics (IFTiA) at UG.
1. filled-in recruitment form (
2. curriculum vitae;
3. A research resume with: a list of publications (if any), and a list of ongoing research projects (with specification of their role in the research if unclear); a list of talks at conferences and workshops (if any), and a list of academic prizes and awards (if any);
4. PDF files of (at most) three relevant papers by the candidate (or just web links, in the case of open access publications);
5. Motivation letter (including statement of current scientific interests) – up to 2 pages;
6. Documents confirming academic degrees (a scan of a PhD diploma or a certificate of obtaining the title or confirmation of the planned date of defense (no later than 3 months from the date of announcement of the competition)).
NOTE: Before signing the employment contract, the person selected in the competition is requested to submit to the University of Gdansk the original of the PhD diploma. At the stage of employment, other documents will not be recognized;
7. Reference letters for the candidate sent by two senior researchers (the candidate is expected to contact the referees and ask them to send reference letters directly to The letters must be sent before the deadline for submitting applications).
8. All required documents should be prepared in English.
9. The decision will be made by the Selection Committee (SC) no later than 3 months from the deadline for submission of applications.
10. An interview is expected. The interview is planned for the turn of March and April 2025.
11. The SC reserves the right to invite only pre-selected candidates for the interview.
12. The SC’s decision is final and is not subject to appeal.
13. The ISC reserves the right to close the competition without selecting a candidate.
14. In the event of resignation from accepting the position of the selected candidate, the SC has the right to send the offer to a person placed on the reserve list, and in the absence of such a list, the SC has the right to reconsider the applications submitted to the competition and to select another candidate.
15. The main goal of the project SONTA-16 is to analyze the performance of deterministic and probabilistic quantum combs that transform unknown unitary operations in a predefined manner. The project also aims to explore the feasibility of implementing the port-based teleportation schemes—serving as a model of a quantum programmable quantum processor—using projective measurements. Additionally, the candidate is expected to actively contribute to the development of mathematical tools inspired by the representation theory of the symmetric group and the Schur-Weyl duality. A particular focus will be on the mixed Schur-Weyl duality and its application to semi-definite programming complexity reduction in particular higher-order quantum computing problems.
For more details visit: or
Please submit the documents via email at: ictqt-careers[at], in the email subject, please include reference code: Offer No. ICTQT_2025_5