POLS: information chat 28 May 2020

  1. How long does it take the POLS team to answer emails?

It takes up to 5 days maximum, but we try to answer all questions as soon as possible.

  1. Does the POLS team answers calls during COVID19 pandemics?

 No, during the pandemic the POLS team answers only emails.

  1. The grant results will be known in December, when do you plan to sign contracts and when is start date of grant?

We plan to sign contracts from the begining of 2021. The grant starts when the contract is signed by the NCN Director.

  1.  Could you please provide more information about last part of the Detailed description which is project information and communication plan. What exactly should be described there?

Document no.15 in the call documentation specifies project information and communication requirements. Section 2.3 is devoted to the specific requirements that apply to Project Promoters. Applicants must specify how the project will be promoted, e.g. by way of a website, publications, conferences, promotional events, etc. The information and communication plan must comply with the relevant guidelines.

  1.  Can I change the duration of the project (eg from 24 to 18 months) once I got it?

The duration of the projects may be 12 or 24 months. Principal Investigator is obliged to implement the project in accordance with contract. Any change in the project must be annexed and requires the consent of the National Science Center.

  1. Is it possible to combine POLS with other grants that provide full time employment to PI?

In accordance with the "POLS Guide for Applicants", the Principal Investigator must meet several conditions to receive remuneration under the POLS call: a) he or she cannot receive other remuneration granted under the heading of direct costs in research projects funded by the NCN b) he or she is not receiving remuneration from another employer pursuant to an employment contract, including an employer with a registered office outside of Poland c) he or she is not receiving a pension from the social security system. In view of the above, while he/she receives a salary under the POLS scheme, the PI should give up other sources of remuneration.

  1. When the project should start? April or can be late 2021?

The contracts will be signed in first half of 2020. Any requests for a later start of the grant will be considered individually. Please also keep in mind, that the end of the period for eligibility of expenditures in POLS projects is 30 April 2024.

  1. Is it possible to pair POLS funding with any other grant?

It is possible, but remember that you cannot finance the same tasks from two grants. In the tab similar research task in the application form you have to answer a few questions about funding tasks form other sources.

  1. Does the foreign PI have to spend all project time in Poland?

Within the framework of the project, the Principal Investigator must be employed under a full-time employment contract at the host institution. The objective of the POLS call is to fund projects by researchers who wish to carry out their research in Poland and forge long-lasting cooperative ties with a Polish host institution. However, if required by the research plan, foreign travel is permitted under the project.

  1. What does exactly need to be included in point 6 (Indicator table)?

Annex no. 1 to the Programme Agreement of the Basic Research Programme, included in the call documents (no. 17), refers to programme indicators. Not all of these will be relevant to your project. Please select those that are relevant and list the names and expected target figures in the table. The number of expected research publications is the basic indicator that applies to all projects.

  1. Regarding the budget, the total of 200k euro, what are the limits for each part, renumeration, materials etc?

There is no such limit. All depends on the specifics of the project. The main limit are Indirect costs which will be determined by applying a flat rate of 25% of the total direct eligible costs, excluding direct eligible costs for subcontracting and the costs of resources made available by third parties which are not used on the premises of the Project Promoter, as well as financial support to third parties.

  1. How long from submission to project start? (What is the earliest predicted start date?)

The earliest start date of the POLS project is around April 2021.

  1. In which research area do we place ecology studies NZ8 or NZ9?

The Principal Investigator has to decide which panel to choose based on the details of the project. You can find more details concerning the panels on the NCN web page https://www.ncn.gov.pl/finansowanie-nauki/panele-ncn?language=en

  1. Can I apply for another call in December (like OPUS) in case my POLS project gets rejected?

It is possible, but remember that proposals covering research tasks overlapping with the tasks specified in a proposal submitted earlier may be submitted again only when the evaluation procedure of such earlier proposal is completed.

  1. There are two rounds of evaluation. Does both count for final decision that proposal will be funded?

The entire assessment process is taken into account in the final financing decision.

  1. What kind of proof of me working abroad in research is needed? Do I need to provide a sworn translation?

Any document that proofs that the PI lived and worked abroad could be used e.g. flat rental contracts, bills, a certificate of employment, a residence permit, insurance contracts, tax declarations. A sworn translation won't be needed.

  1.  I have a question regarding the need or requirement of having an international cooperation.

The POLS call does not require that the project should be carried out in cooperation with a foreign partner. Partnerships are not possible under the scheme, but international cooperation can be planned for. However, if the Principal Investigator plans in the POLS project cooperation with existing Polish-Norwegian cooperation established under Norwegian funds or in other international projects (for example financed by GRIEG, POLNOR or H2020) the Program Committee may add additional point at the last stage of evaluation.

  1.  What nationalities are taken into consideration in POLS? Are there any restrictions to EU members?

There are no limits according to the nationality. There is no restriction to EU members.

  1. My project proposal includes construction of an experimental facility. Where in the budget should I include the materials? Should it be other costs?

You must consult this issue with the host institution. Remember when new or second-hand equipment is purchased, only the portion of the depreciation corresponding to the duration of the project, and the rate of actual use for the purposes of the project may be considered eligible expenditure. In the event that the Programme Operator determines, based on a justification provided in the project proposal, that the equipment is an integral and necessary component for achieving the outcomes of the project, the entire purchase price of that equipment may be eligible by way of exception. The entire purchase price of a single piece of equipment cannot exceed PLN 500,000. Requirements of the applicable public procurement law must be complied with.

  1. Are evaluators the same people for first and second round of eavaluation?

The exact process of the evaluation is described in Guide for evaluators 5.2. The proposals will be evaluated by experts chosen at the begining of the process. Experts who prepare the individual assessment take part in review panel.

  1. I have two questions: 1. Does the person who is going to be hired in Polish institution need to stay in Poland for the whole time or his/her stay can be divided, i.e. he/she can stay in other institution for 6 months to do some experiments.2. What are the terms of hiring - full time job only? Or can be a part time job - with second affiliation in the other institute.

The Principal Investigator needs to be employed under a full-time employment contract at the host institution. It is required that the Principal Investigator is employed for the entire duration of the project at the host institution.

  1. Is it neccesary to contact the host institution in Poland about POLS application before the submission?

Yes, it is necessary. You have to attach to the proposal declarations of the head of the entity / authorised representative.

  1. Under international cooperation, on the grant application, we can also list countries outside of the EU right? What exactly constitutes cooperation? If I co-author an article with someone from outside of the EU, would that alone be considered international cooperation?

Yes, you can list countries outside EU. According to the call documentation the international cooperation means that research tasks are carried out together with investigators from foreign entities. The following are not considered international cooperation: a) participation in international conferences, b) dissemination of information on the project abroad, c) implementation of research tasks by a Polish research team abroad without the participation of investigators from foreign entities, d) cooperation with foreign researchers employed by Polish entities.

  1. Is there an age limit for PI, time after making PhD and other limits for the applicant?

There is no age limit. The Principal Investigator (PI) should be a researcher holding a PhD degree. The PI must not have resided or carried out his or her main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Poland for at least 24 months prior to the call deadline, except as part of a procedure for obtaining refugee status under the Geneva Convention. For specific information please consult point 3.1 of the Guide for Applicants - POLS call.

  1. The topic of the proposal refers to real problems in bridge structures, but will be focused on theoretical considerations and the use of innovative stress measurement methods. The final results will not be implemented, but rather provide to expand the current knowledge. Can this topic be considered a basic study? Is there any chance to consider the application to finance?

The Principal Investigator needs to take decisions concerning the subject of the project independently. NCN administraction does not advise on matters evaluated by experts due to transparency reasons. The main content of the proposal must be devoted to basic research, understood as "experimental or theoretical endeavours undertaken to gain new knowledge of the foundations of phenomena and observable facts, without any direct commercial use". However, the presence of elements of applied research will not disqualify the proposal as long as it is chiefly focused on basic research. Applicants may submit project proposals that generate new solutions or social innovations, but the grant may not go toward funding activities such as product commercialization, development or enhancement or any other direct commercial applications.

  1. Should the persons being  the member of the team be indicated by names or only as "Co-investigators"

Co-investigator only. However, it is possible to indicate the name of the person in the project description.

  1. Does the agreement of the hosting institution need to be sent with the application?

You have to attach to the proposal declarations of the head of the entity / authorised representative.

  1. What needs to be included in the acronim field?

In the Acronim field you should put an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of the project title or a word connected with the project. It is a short name of your project.

  1. I am just wondering if I am eligible for the 2020 call? I have spent 5 month in Warsaw (October 2018-February 2019) at the PIASt as a senior visiting fellow.

In accordance with the call documents, an eligible Principal Investigator is a researcher who holds at least a PhD and has not resided, worked, studied or managed a research project in Poland for two years prior to the call deadline. It is up to the Principal Investigator to determine whether he/she meets these eligibility criteria. Short-term stays in Poland, such as vacations or family visits, are not an obstacle to application. However, anyone who has worked in Poland even under a short-time employment contract does not meet the eligibility conditions.

  1. Does the 12-page limit for the detailed description includes references?


  1. Can PI write the project description in first person (e.g. "I plan ...")?

It is your decision.

  1. I'm planning cooperation with an university in Norway (coordination of research activities, publishing together etc). Does the scientist working there need to be paid through the grant, or can he/she be founded from elsewhere?

For the position co-investigator there is a possibility to choose Type of employment - no remuneration.

  1. Do you plan to organize the next edition of POLS programme? If so, when will it be?

The POLS call is organised only once. However, the NCN is planning in the future the POLONEZ call for incoming researchers.

  1. Under the contact information for the PI, we're supposed to enter an ePUAP. I don't have an ePUAP since I don't live in Poland. What are we supposed to enter there? (It's not possible to fill out the remaining fields without entering something there.)

You can put your email address and telephone number. The ePUAP for PI is not required.

  1. How does one go about finding a Polish host for the grant?

The Principal Investigator decides independently which Project Promoter will be selected to the project implementation. The eligible Applicant, referred to also as the Project Promoter or host institution, is a research organisation or company, specified in point 3.2 of the Guide for Applicants - POLS call.

  1. Do we identify our own reviewers or are these allocated?

The review process is managed by the NCN according to the Guide for evaluators. The reviewers are selected by the NCN.

  1. What advantages do Polish institutions see in this grant? Is it mostly the overhead? Or do they also have other benefits from this scheme?

According to Announcement of the POLS call expected results are: - Peer reviewed scientific publications with international outreach in line with the programme open access policy, - Knowledge transfer, sharing experience and best practices, - Increasing the internationalisation of the research arena in Poland, - Increasing the potential of the PI and host institutions to successfully apply for international funding including the ERC grants, - Development of the capacity of Polish research institutions to host incoming researchers.

  1. The full description is specified as up to 12 pages - is it expected that all applications will use the full space provided?

It is up to the applicant.

  1. Considering that the projects has 24 months, can I contract a PhD student anyway?

The following staff members may be assigned to the project: - researchers - co-investigators including master and PhD students (scholarships are not eligible under this call), - persons employed at specialist auxiliary posts - technicians, lab managers and other specialist research-supporting staff directly involved in the project as well as administrative staff to the extent that they relate to the cost of activities which would not be carried out if the project was not undertaken.

  1. I once did evaluation for NCN. My particulars that is my login in id is still intact. Can it be used for login in to the osf or I should create a new one?

If you have an account in the OSF system (e.g. as an NCN Reviewer) and wish to have ADDITIONAL access to the OSF Editor mode please follow the link below https://osf.opi.org.pl/app/adm/daneOsoby.do?do=zalozKonto&changeLang=en

  1. Could you please explain the requirement of full employment by hosting institution. This seems to exclude anybody holding a faculty position elsewhere.

The programme expected outcomes are decided upon by the Basic Research Programme Committee. The criteria used are alined with the expected outcomes.

  1. For participating entities is it always the University itself or can it also be a research centre within the university?

The list of eligible applicants is avaiable in Guide for Applicants p. 8.

  1. Can I ask clarification on Monika's previous answer? 'Within the framework of the project, the principal investigator must be employed under a full-time employment contract at the host institution. The objective of the POLS call is to fund projects by researchers who wish to carry out their research in Poland and forge long-lasting cooperative ties with a Polish host institution. However, if required by the research plan, foreign travel is permitted under the project.'  I am a UK national. I am happy with the full-time contract, but would wish to undertake work on theoretical aspects of the project in the UK.

I would like to inform you that the Principal Investigator should be in Poland during the implementation of the project. International cooperation is possible.

  1. Can PI receive remunerations that are not based on employment contract (peer reviews, contracts, leases)?

The Principal Investigator must be employed under a full-time employed contract at the host institution for the duration of the project. His/her full-time salary does not need to be paid from the funds of the POLS project it can come from the resources of the host institution but it must be a full-time employed contract.  If the Principal Investigator receives a full-time salary from the POLS budget a) he or she cannot receive other remuneration granted under the heading of direct costs in research projects funded by the NCN; b) he or she is not receiving remuneration from another employer pursuant to an employment contract, including an employer with a registered office outside of Poland; c) he or she is not receiving a pension from the social security system. However, short term contracts of commission, other than employment contracts, for example for peer reviews are possible.

  1. I have a question about purchace of equipment. In the guidelines it says: In the event that the Programme Operator determines, based on a justification provided in the project proposal, that the equipment is an integral and necessary component for achieving the outcomes of the project, the entire purchase price of that equipment may be eligible by way of exception. Does this mean it is excluded from the 200K budged?

The maximum amount of a project grant is EUR 200,000 (including all cost in project). Within the budget you may plan equipment: as a general rule depreciation corresponding to the duration of the project and the rate of actual use for the purposes of the project. The entire purchace price may be considered eligible by way of exception under the conditions specified.

  1. Should the detailed description of the project include specification of tasks to be undertaken by particular colaborating entities? Or is it enough to describe it within the schedule?

Remember that there can be only one Project Promoter (host institutution). Detailed description should contain the following information: 1) scientific goal of the project (description of the problem to be solved, research questions and hypotheses), 2) significance of the project (state of the art, justification for tackling a specific scientific problem, justification for the pioneering nature of the project, the impact of the project results on the development of the research field and scientific discipline), 3) concept and work plan (general work plan, specific research goals, results of preliminary research, risk analysis), 4) research methodology (underlying scientific methodology, methods, techniques and research tools, methods of results analysis, equipment and devices to be used in research), 5) project literature (a reference list for publications included in the project description, with full bibliographic data), 6) indicator's table, 7) project information and communication plan.

  1.  I have a question regarding the deadline. Due to covid-19 deadlines for some calls were moved for a further date. June 16th is fixed or it will be changed as well?

We don't plan to postpone the call deadline

  1. Is it mandatory to include PI's salary in the budget?  In other words: if my salary is covered from the alternative source, am I eligible to apply, providing all costs would be justified to accomplish proposed tasks?

The Principal Investigator must be employed under a full-time employed contract at the host institution for the duration of the project. His/her full-time salary does not need to be paid from the funds of the POLS project it can come from the resources of the host institution but it must be a full-time employed contract.

  1. Are you planning a next call in 2021?

The POLONEZ call which is different from POLS but also aimed at incoming researchers is planned for September 2021.

  1. What is the restriction on 'no other contracts' Does this include part-time contract as Editor in Chief for a Journal?

No other contracts means no employment contracts. Other types of contracts e.g. contracts of commission are possible.

  1. Can I include proofreading by a native speaker and costs of open access in my budget? Is there a ceiling for open access costs (usually it costs 3000 eur per article)?

Proofreading costs are eligible only if the article will be published in open access according to the open access policy of the programme. The NCN is a member of coallition S and open access requirements are in line with plan S. Please, consult https://www.coalition-s.org/ for more information. There is no ceiling for open access costs.

  1. Following up on a question about the indicator's table: what exactly is covered by "support for young researchers"? Could that include the PI themselves, or only students of the PI?

A young researcher is a PhD student or academic teacher who does not have a PhD degree or a PhD holders up to 7 years from obtaining their degree, who conducts research supported by the project (receiveing scholarship or salary) and develops his/her professional skills within a mentoring plan. The period of 7 years from obtaining the PhD may be extended by a time of long-term (in excess of 90 days) documented sick leaves or rehabilitation leaves granted on account of being unfit to work. In addition, the period may be extended by the number of months of a child care leave granted pursuant to the Labour Code and in the case of women, by 18 months for every child born or adopted, whichever manner of accounting for career breaks is preferable. If the PI meets the conditions, he/she can be included in the indicator table.

  1. The document no. 15 lists requirements for the communication plan. The first one includes identification of stakeholders. What is understood by stakeholders in the context of research?

Other researchers, people, research institutions, NGOs, non-research public or private entities who apply the knowledge created by the project, benefit from the expertise developed in the project, the society at large etc.

  1. What do you mean by "Potential impact through the development, dissemination and use of project results" (Criterion 3) - impact on my career or impact on the literature, public policy etc?

The potential impact will vary depending on the discipline, topic of proposal etc and has to be identified by the Principal Investigator independently. It is for example the project's contribution to the development of the scientific discipline, improving innovation capacity, meeting social needs, enhancing protection of the environment etc.

  1. When are exchange rates fixed permanently? If the rates change drastically before they are fixed, will there be any provision for adjusting project budgets?

The exchange rate used in the call documentation will be used in the project contract. However, project payments made by the NCN in PLN will be subracted from the maximum project grant in euro using future PLN/EURO exchange rates.

  1. Does an outside service such as sequencing count as a subcontracting category in direct costs or as "costs entailed by other contracts"?

Please, consult the Guide for Applicants concerning the understanding of subcontracting under this call. The decision needs to be taken by the Principal Investigator based on the call documentation as this is a merit based decision. As a general rule research tasks are considered as subcontracting.

  1. Do proofs of the PI living abroad prior to the deadline have to be translated to English or Polish if they are from a non-English-speaking country e.g. Germany, France, Spain, Italy?


  1. Can I open a fresh account on OSF?


  1. Do you prioritise social or life sciences above physical sciences or engineering researches?


  1. Could you please tell in which section the publishing and conference costs should be applied?

Costs of participation in conferences should be planned in travel. Open access costs in Costs arising directly from requirements imposed by the project contract for each project. Other publication costs e.g. proof reading (only eligible if the publication meets the open access requirements of the programme see question above) in Costs entailed by other contracts.

  1. Can a person who was employed a year ago in the NCBiR project as a visiting professor (6 months) apply?

A researchers who has worked in Poland even under a short-time employment contract does not meet the eligibility conditions.

  1. I would like to ask if the costs given in the application form should be in PLN


  1. If employed on employment contract basis from other funds in the host institution, can the PI plan 'additional remuneration' (as a top up of his salary) in the POLS project?

No, for the PI the only avaiable option in the OSF system of receiving renumeration is either a full-time employment form POLS project or no renumeration form POLS project and full-time employment form host institution for conducting the POLS project.

  1. I would like to apply for fiancing of the project related to molecular biology (discipline NZ1). Since maximal amount of finanacing of individual project in POLS programe is limited to 200,000, it is not realistic to plan full molecular biology project in this amount. My question is: Is it acceptable to apply for a POLS grant as a supplementary source of financing next to other potential grants?

Yes, it is possible. However, please keep in mind that funding the same research tasks from different sources is forbiden. In application form there is a section "Similar research tasks" where you can describe the situation and justify the need of funding tasks proposed in POLS project wheras applying for suplementary grant form different source.

Also, please notice that applying for POLs project you have to meet all reqiurements such as e. g. PI must be employed under a full-time employed contract at the host institution for the duration of the project or the researcher can apply as PI for only one proposal in the POLS call and cannot apply to any other NCN call in the same call edition (NCN calls in which proposals are submitted by the same date).

  1. In the 'short description' it asks for 'concept and work plan'. Could you clarify what is meant by 'concept' at this stage?

As it is specified in the proposal in "concept and work plan" section there should be described general work plan, specific research goals, results of preliminary research and risk analysis.

  1. Where the form asks for a 'work plan' is this generally to be completed in a timeline format?

Yes, in "Schedule" section and in the "Short description" and "Detailed description" sections the work plan should be completed in a timeline format.

  1. And following up on a question about the signing of grants: When is the latest date by which the contract has to be signed? Let's say the PI has to await results from a different grant application, and therefore can't sign the application until something like February 2021. Would that be possible?

The contracts will be signed in the first half of the 2021. All requests for delay of signing the contract will be analysed individualy. However, please keep in mind that any expenditures incurred after 30 April 2024 will not be eligible. So all POLS project must be ended up to this date.

  1. What is considered a co-investigator? a PhD/master student? or a PostDoc?
  • Co-investigator - a researcher including master and PhD students.
  • PostDoc - a person who has obtained their PhD degree within 7 years before joining the project.
  • PhD student - participant in PhD programmes pursuant to the Act on Higher Education of 27 July 2005 or PhD student at doctoral schools pursuant to the Act on Higher Education and Science of 20 July 2018.
  • Master student - a student of first or second-cycle degree programme or uniform Master’s studies at universities in Poland.
  1. Is there any requirement from the funding agency about ethic approval? Or is this  left up to host institutions' regulations?

In a proposal in the OSF system there is a section "Ethical issues" where the applicant should  flag any of ethical issues which are present in the project and describe measures taken to ensure that the research will be carried out conforming to the common law (if applicable) and rules of good practice in the respective domain/discipline. There is no need to attach any special documents on that. The responsibility for conducting project in accordence with the common law and rules of good practice in the respective domain/discipline is up to the host instittion.

  1. When a purchaise of the new instrument is needed, do we need quotes from the manufacturer attached?

No, it is not needed during the application process

  1. For the schedule/harmanogram section - is a Gantt chart sufficient? Or is some detailed explanation required?

In a proposal in the OSF system, the system requires to add the research tasks, its descriptions and the months in which it will be conducted.  The documentation does not specify more details. The decision how the harmonogram will be constructed is up to the PI.

  1. What kind of information are we expected to enter under "most important scientific achievement"? Should this be a description of the actual research, bibliographic data of a publication or multiple publications, or both? Is there anything else that should be included here?

The Principal Investigator must describe the most important scientific achievement. National Science Centre does not specify what information should be included in this section, leaving the decision only to PI.

  1. Is it mandatory to include PI's salary in the budget?  In other words: if my salary is covered from the alternative source, am I eligible to apply, providing all costs would be justified to accomplish proposed tasks?

The Principal Investigator must be employed under a full-time employed contract at the host institution for the duration of the project. His/her full-time salary does not need to be paid from the funds of the POLS project; it can come from the resources of the host institution.

  1. Considering the international collaboration, how it works in terms of money? We can consider for instance the traveling of a student from the Polish lab to a foreign one? How the budget for that should be considered? And to receive foreign students/experts in our polish lab? How much money can we allocate for that?

In the POLS call research costs can be planned as long as they do not provide funding to a foreign entity. You can plan Travel and subsistence allowances for staff taking part in the project

The travel and subsistence allowances for staff taking part in the project must be in accordance with the applicable national rules. As a general rule, travel costs should be limited to the project’s necessities and calculated on the basis of economy class travel on public transport. The Programme will cover actual expenses for travel, accommodation, medical insurance and conference fees. For subsistence allowances, the Project Promoter shall follow the national rules. In case travel costs are covered for someone who is not a staff member e.g. a student or expert from a different institution costs should be presented under Costs entailed by other contracts cost category.

  1. Is it possible to receive a template of a document that my host and the potential employer shall submit to a proposal indicating the intent of the employment and collaboration? Does it exist?

You have to attach to the application a confirmation (declarations by the head of the entity / authorised representative) signed by hand and scanned OR signed by qualified electronic signature in the PAdES format. The system will generate a personalized confirmations (for PI and head of the entity) when the application is completed. Application template you can find here: https://www.ncn.gov.pl/sites/default/files/pliki/regulaminy/pols_applica...

  1. No possibility of cooperation in partnerships concerns only foreign partners? In other words: as an institute from Poland can we cooperate with another scientific unit or msp?

No, groups of entities, partnerships are not eligible in POLS call.

  1. Is it allowed/preferred to hire project staff under an open call, or is it necessary to name all participants in a research project?

An open call is not required, scope of work and required qualifications of co-investigators should be described in the application.

  1. I want to ask if staff memebers can be assigned to the project only under an employment contract?

Please, consult the Guide for Applicants page 12, section: The costs of persons working under a contract other than an employment contract. Some contracts other than employment contracts are possible for project staff but not the Principal Investigator who has to be employed under a full time employment contract.

  1. Can auxiliary editor submit Declarations by the head of the entity or do I have to do this?

No, this declaration must be signed by the head of the entity / authorised representative of the Applicant (Project Promoter).

  1. Are there any restrictions on the co-investigators (such as they cannot already be employed in the host institution) that would be part of the research team in the grant proposal?

There are no restrictions, the most important are the qualifications of co-investigators. Please bear in mind, however, that, pursuant to the "Guide for Applicants" (p.12), project staff must be hired in accordance with the remuneration policy of the host institution and generally binding legal regulations: "Costs of staff comprising actual salaries plus social security charges and other statutory costs included in the remuneration are eligible provided they comply with the Project Promoter’s standard policy on remuneration. Timesheets should be used so that the actual time is recorded against a project to form the basis of the costs charged."

  1. How much of the grant money comes to the PI?

The minimum amount of grant assistance applied for is €100,000; the maximum amount is €200,000 (including overhead costs). The PI shall receive a full-time employment with the salary of PLN 190,000 per year. The Principal Investigator must be employed under a full-time employed contract at the host institution for the duration of the project. His/her full-time salary does not need to be paid from the funds of the POLS project; it can come from the resources of the host institution.

  1. I have not had some questions answered. Who is the best person/people to email with enquiries?

You can contact Barbara Świątkowska from EEA and Norway Grants Team (barbara.swiatkowska@ncn.gov.pl) or Aneta Adamczyk (aneta.adamczyk@ncn.gov.pl), Joanna Jamróz (joanna.jamroz@ncn.gov.pl), Monika Kapka(monika.kapka@ncn.gov.pl) from Proposal Processing Department.

  1. Since the project includes collaboration with other countries, can parts of the experimental execution be foreseen in those countries?

Please note that the following are not considered international cooperation: a) participation in international conferences; b) dissemination of information on the project abroad; c) implementation of research tasks by a Polish research team abroad without the participation of investigators from foreign entities; d) cooperation with foreign researchers employed by Polish entities.  I would like to inform that there is a possibility to plan a subcontracting in a foreign unit, however it is required to justify why this service is planned there. Detailed information about subcontracting are provided in Guide for Applicats - POLS call (4.4 Subcontracting p.15).

  1. How are the teams from different institutions participating in the project will be financed?

All members of the research team should be employed in the host institution.

  1. Do one-off contracts (e.g. translating a book for a Polish-based publisher, when having a full-time job at a foreign university) count as working in Poland?

In accordance with the call documents, an eligible Principal Investigator is a researcher who holds at least a PhD and has not resided, worked, studied or managed a research project in Poland for two years prior to the call deadline.  Anyone who has worked in Poland even under a short-time employment contract does not meet the eligibility conditions. Contracts other than employment contracts do not make the researcher ineligible. It is up to the Principal Investigator to determine whether he/she meets these eligibility criteria.

  1. Is there a specific referencing style we should use?

NCN does not specify this issue. It depends on the Principal Investigator.

  1. Does the participation in Erasmus+ exchange program in the teritory of Poland during last 2 years allows to participate in POLS?

In accordance with the call documents, an eligible Principal Investigator is a researcher who holds at least a PhD and has not resided, worked, studied or managed a research project in Poland for two years prior to the call deadline. It is up to the Principal Investigator to determine whether he/she meets these eligibility criteria. Short-term stays in Poland, such as vacations or family visits, are not an obstacle to application. Anyone who has resided in Poland for two years prior to the call deadline does not meet the eligibility criteria.

  1. Can budget be requested to be changed by NCN?

According to the documentation the POLS call the Programme Operator may request changes, including modifications to the budget.

  1. Can a technician be assigned to the POLS project even if his/her salary is covered by other grant?

There is a possibility to plan auxiliary post without remuneration.

  1. Could PI be on scientific leave during from his host institution during the realization of the  Pols grant in Poland?

In accordance with the "POLS Guide for Applicants", the principal investigator must meet several conditions to receive remuneration under the POLS call:

  •  he or she cannot receive other remuneration granted under the heading of direct costs in research projects funded by the NCN;
  •  he or she is not receiving remuneration from another employer pursuant to an employment contract, including an employer with a registered office outside of Poland;
  •  he or she is not receiving a pension from the social security system.

In view of the above, while he/she receives a salary under the POLS scheme, the PI should give up other sources of remuneration and conclude a full-time employment contract with the host institution. The terms of the scientific leave must be in line with the above conditions. It is up to the Principal Investigator to determine whether he/she meets these eligibility criteria.

  1. Could you please confirm that we have to attach proposal declarations of the head of the entity / authorised representative to our DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION

A detailed description must containt the following information: 1) scientific goal of the project (description of the problem to be solved, research questions and hypotheses) 2) significance of the project (state of the art, justification for tackling a specific scientific problem, justification for the pioneering nature of the project, the impact of the project results on the development of the research field and scientific discipline); 3) concept and work plan (general work plan, specific research goals, results of preliminary research, risk analysis); 4) research methodology (underlying scientific methodology, methods, techniques and research tools, methods of results analysis, equipment and devices to be used in research); 5) project literature (a reference list for publications included in the project description, with full bibliographic data); 6) indicator's table; 7) project information and communication plan. The above-mentioned sections, including references to literature, are required. Failure to include any of them shall form grounds for rejection of the proposal on formal grounds.

It is also required to attach to the proposal Entity’s confirmation of submitting the proposal -  confirmation signed by hand and scanned OR signed by qualified electronic signature in the PAdES format.