NCN reviewers in 2019 by country of affiliation
Evaluation of proposals submitted to the NCN is divided into two stages.
In the first stage, the proposals are evaluated in terms of content by experts grouped in expert teams appointed for each call. During a panel meeting each proposal undergoes preliminary evaluation and is either rejected or accepted for the second stage of evaluation, based on the results of peer review performed earlier by two members of the expert meeting.
Proposals accepted in the first phase undergo further evaluation by international external experts. Based on those evaluations the expert panels make final decisions on financing chosen projects. At the second stage of evaluation, most of the accepted proposals will be directed to foreign experts who are chosen following the recommendation of the members of expert teams. Their participation in the process of reviewing proposals is particularly important for the development of Polish science and adds perspective to evaluated proposals.
Instructions for evaluators of the National Science Centre (2nd review panel)
We invite you to watch a short video: Guidelines for NCN experts
Sessions of the Expert Teams
Sessions of the NCN Expert Teams take place at the registered office of the National Science Centre (the NCN) in Krakow, Poland, at ul. Twardowskiego 16.
Experts who travel to the sessions from outside Krakow will be offered accommodation at a hotel in the vicinity of the NCN for the duration of the Expert Team sessions. Meals during the sessions are also provided.
Regarding hotel bookings for members of Expert Teams, consult Administration Office between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. daily: Aleksandra Rusek,, phone no +48 12 341 91 06, Aleksandra Sienkowiec,, phone no +48 12 341 9119.
Regulations for the performance of tasks requested by the National Science Centre by the Experts
Regulations for the performance of tasks requested by the National Science Centre by the Experts have been in force since 1 January 2021 - directive no 102/2020 by the Director of the National Science Centre of 28th December 2020 (translation from Polish).
The following documents are an integral part of the Regulations for the performance of tasks requestet by the National Science Centre by the Experts:
- Order No 104/2020 of the Director enacting the Code of Ethics for Experts of the National Science Centre, dated 30 December 2020,
- Information for Tax Purposes,
- Order No 22/2021 of the Director on the remuneration of experts for the performance of tasks requested by the National Science Centre, dated 30 March 2021
- Order No 80/2019 of the Director on the remuneration of experts under the GRIEG call for proposals, dated 10 December 2019,
- Order No 73/2020 of the Director on the remuneration of experts under the POLS call for proposals, dated 15 September 2020,
- Order No 2/2018 of the Director on the conditions of reimbursing travel expenses to domestic members of the Expert Teams, dated 16 January 2018,
- Order No 50/2019 of the Director on the conditions of reimbursing travel expenses to foreign members of the Expert Teams, dated 26 July 2019.
Instructions for filling in the Tax Information and acceptance of Regulations:
PLEASE NOTE: Experts who have already filled in the Tax Information must log in to the ZSUN/ OSF submission system in order to read the Regulations for the performance of tasks requested by the National Science Centre by the Experts, accept it an fill in any addition information (as required) of the Tax Information.
Should you have any problems with your tax information, contact Edyta Perończyk , tel. 12 341 9198.
For more information about personal documents and remuneration for experts, contact the Expert Support Team.
Due to the current epidemiological situation, please contact us by e-mail until further notice.
Payment of salaries to Experts
Experts’ documentation and salaries are handled by the Expert Support Team (contact).
We kindly ask you not to send documents (personal information for tax purposes), completed reviews or receipts for the service by traditional mail.
At the same time, please update your personal data (if there have been any changes) in the OSF system and inform the Expert Support Team.
Reimbursement of travel expenses for foreign members of the Expert Teams
Conditions for reimbursement of travel expenses for foreign members of the Expert Teams – directive no. 50/2019 by the Director of the National Science Centre of 26th July 2019 (translation from Polish).
Attachments to the directive
- Attachment no. 1: Request for consent to use a passenger car
- Attachment no. 2: Settlement of expenses for using a passenger car
- Attachment no. 3: Settlement of travel expenses
- Attachment no. 4: Statement concerning expenses incurred while travelling
For issues concerning settlement of travel expenses incurred by the foreign members of the Expert Teams please contact Edyta Perończyk, or Jolanta Pępek,
Calls under evaluation
Evaluation procedures & code of conduct
Procedures of evaluation of proposals by expert teams for regular calls.