Online celebration

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

On 9 and 10 September 2021, the National Science Centre will celebrate 10 years of its existence. In over a decade, we have launched more than 200 calls in which over 23 thousand grants have been awarded. Our anniversary is a celebration of science and researchers all around Poland. »

Information webinar on POLONEZ BIS

Wednesday, 1 September 2021

On 10 September (Friday) at 9:00 a.m. (CEST), an Information Webinar will be held for institutions interested in hosting researcher researchers under POLONEZ BIS. The POLONEZ BIS call is addressed at experienced foreign researchers intending to move to Poland for 24 months.  


The Baltic Sea in the research of SONATINA 5 winners

Tuesday, 31 August 2021

SONATINA is a programme targeted at researchers who have just recently earned their PhD degree. In the last round, 52 young researchers won a total of nearly 34 million PLN in funding. Thanks to their grants, they will be able to look more closely into various subjects in many scientific disciplines. One such subject has to do with the area of the Baltic Sea and the processes that occur within it. »

More money to fund research projects

Friday, 20 August 2021

On the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science, the budget of the National Science Centre was increased this year by 30,000,000 PLN. The extra funds will be designated for research projects funded under the calls launched by the NCN. »

First MINIATURA 5 results: 58 researchers awarded resources for individual research activities

Monday, 16 August 2021

We have just published the first ranking list of the MINIATURA 5 call, under which researchers can request funding for preliminary and pilot studies, library and archive search, fellowships and research visits or consultations. 58 individual research activities, with a total budget of more than 2.3 million PLN, were recommended for funding based on the decision of NCN experts. »

SONATINA 5 results are in! 52 early stage researchers win almost 34 million PLN

Friday, 6 August 2021

We have just announced the results of the fifth edition of the SONATINA call. Researchers who have recently earned their PhDs will receive almost 34 million PLN to fund their research and fellowships at prestigious foreign institutions. »

Solar-Driven Chemistry Call 2021

Friday, 30 July 2021

In cooperation with the Solar-Driven Chemistry network, the National Science Centre is launching a call for international research projects under the latest round of the Solar-Driven Chemistry Call 2021. »
