GRIEG: information chat 18 September 2019

  1. Is it possible to employ a person to administer the grant (secretary)?

    Yes, it is possible.

  2. In "Research team" -> "PI" -> "Publication record" the field "open access" asks whether the journal is open access or whether the paper is available freely in some other place?

    The system asks whether the publication (paper) is in open access

  3. Can a consortium manager be a person with a master's degree during doctoral studies?

    If by 'consortium manager' you mean the Principle Investigator then the answer is NO, if the administrative manager then YES.

  4. Which is the earliest start date for calculations of the budget costs, since the CALL deadline has been extended?

    The earliest start date of the project start is probably May/June 2020

  5. The guide says: 'The entire purchase price of that equipment cannot exceed PLN 500,000 according to the Law on Higher Education and Science of 20 July 2018.' Can you explain how we should understand that line? The limit is set for entire budget for every partner or it's the limit for ONE entire item.

    We mean the limit for one entire item.

  6. Is Norway regarded as EU or non-EU partner in the meaning of ethical questionnaire.

    According to the call regulations, Norway is non - EU

  7. In "Research team" -> "PI" -> "Publication record" citation numbers should be stated according to which source?

    NCN does not specify the source of the citation numbers.

  8. Is there a possibility to budget for maintaining a project website after the conclusion of the project itself? If so, how should we note this?

    It is possible to cover costs of maintenance of a project web site only during the project implementation.

  9. If we want to organize a summer school/conference as part of the project, is it allowed to have participation fees?

    No, it is not allowed

  10. Is it necessary for a PI to devote 100 % of his/her employment time to the GRIEG project or PI can be involved part time?

    The PI can be involved part time.

  11. Where in the application should it be entered that the employee will be employed, for example, 0.5 or full-time?

    In the application form in "Personnel costs and scholarships" you should plan the salary for the investigators. There is no need/place to give more specific information.

  12. What's the difference between section 3.3 of project description and field 'Description of advantages of international collaboration' in OSF form?

    Please, provide a detailed description in section 3.3. A brief summary should be provided in the field 'Description of advantages of international collaboration'.

  13. Is it correct that purchase price of all pieces of equipment cannot exceed PLN 500,000? For example: Is it possible to buy two devices worth PLN 400,000 and PLN 150,000 from the same GRIEG project?

    Where the entire purchase price of the equipment is eligible, the Project Promoter and partner should follow the rules indicated in GRIEG guide on page 14. The entire purchase price of that equipment cannot exceed PLN 500,000 per unit.

  14. Is the 'Management' work-package encouraged in the project, or the management and coordinating activities should be included in research WPs?

    Only scientific work packages should be included. Management costs should be only planned in the budget.

  15. Is the 18-month-per-child rule apply to PI (foreign entity)?


  16. Can partners from outside Poland and Norway participate in the GRIEG ?

    Only entities from Poland and Norway can receive financing from GRIEG call.

  17. If funded, can we extend the project period above the 36 months without changing/increasing the budget? e.g. if hiring takes longer than expected.

    Duration of the projects (24 or 36 months) may be extended up to 12 months, without additional funds. The end of the period for eligibility of expenditures in the GRIEG projects is 30 April 2024.

  18. Is the remuneration for the administrative manager only possible in the case of the Project Leader?

    No. Remuneration of the administrative project manager or specialist administrative auxiliary post is eligible for all partners to the extent that it relates to the cost of activities which would not be carried out if the project was not undertaken.

  19. How detailed should be the competencies description of the person who will be employed in the project by competition?

    Detailed enough for the experts to know what will the person do within the project team.

  20. Is it possible for a full-time Principal Investigator to have a salary planned for fewer than 36 months of the project? (For instance, the PI has financing from other sources)

    The Principal Investigator has to be employed full time in the Polish Project Promoter, with a permanent position or with a fixed term contract covering at least the duration of the project.

  21. Should the costs of banking operations and currency conversions be included in indirect costs?

    Costs of maintaining a bank account for the project are eligible direct costs. Exchange loses are not eligible.

  22. Do I include the Norwegian partner as a consortium member in participating entities in application?


  23. Can a person who is the main partner of PI on the Norwegian side, can be PI manager in several projects?

    In the GRIEG call a researcher on the Norwegian side can be Principal Investigator for several proposal.

  24. My first question is about the equipment depreciation. It is not fully clear what is the exact definition of depreciation, is it dependent on specific factors, e.g. type of eqipment, price, type of use etc. I would be grateful for a clear definition and rules that define the costs.

    NCN does not give definition of the depreciation. It should be understood in the way the depreciation is treated/understood in the entity.

  25. Should the audit certificate cover only Polish part or the whole project?

    According to the Guide for applicants audit is mandatory for Polish project partners when the grant amount equal to or greater than PLN 2 million. Norwegian partner should submit the audit certificate when his budget is more than 325 000 EUR .

  26. I have the question about budget planning. Is there a suggested division of funds between categories (for example 30% for materials, 50% for staff etc.)?

    There is no suggestion like that.

  27. A question about the budget: Can organising a final conference and a summer school based on the results of the project should go under 'dissemination costs' or 'other costs'?

    You should stick to the cost categories available in the OSF system e.g. travel and subsistence allowances for staff taking part in the project, costs of consumables and supplies, costs entailed by other contracts

  28. What is the exchange rate in PLN/EUR? From what can be calculated when creating the budget it is c.a. about 3.77, why not 4.34?

    The exchange rate in PLN/EUR is from the Polish National Bank on the day of the call announcement and it's 4,2599 in the OSF system.

  29. Letter of intent: who should sign it - Norwegian (and other, if planned) partner AND Polish PI?

    The letter of intent should be signed by Partner's (Norwegian or/and Polish) authorised representatives, not PI.

  30. Staff costs in the GRIEG projects should comprise with actual salaries and are eligible if they comply with our institution's policy and remuneration. On the other hand there are given the maximum amounts per year which are much higher than for example universities standards in Poland. May we use in our proposals the maximum amounts from the guide even if they are higher than our remunerations?

    Staff costs must conform to accounting principles, the usual internal rules and standard policy on remuneration in the organisation.

  31. I'm preparing the project with Norwegian partners and will act as a PI. I plan my full-employment in the project. However, one of my previously submitted NCN projects (different call, different topic etc.) is still under review, where I have also planned full-employment. But, as with every proposal it is uncertain if I win it. So, here comes my question. Can I plan my full-employment in GRIEG project, even that other grant with full-employment is under consideration in NCN? and what follows, if I'm a lucky guy and win both grants, can I waive one salary or give it to e.g. 2 post-docs ?

    You may submit both proposals. However, if you are lucky with both we would need to analyse you situation individually. Please, be aware that under the GRIEG call the involvement of the PI has to be significant and sufficient for proper implementation of the project.

  32. Does a public entity also have to insure the equipment and maintain it for 5 years?

    Where the entire purchase price of the equipment is eligible, the Project Promoter and/or partner should follow the rules indicated in GRIEG guide on page 14.

  33. What is the definition of a 'natural person'?

    The definition of the natural person is according to the Civil Law. It should be a person not a company.

  34. What is the transfer of money between type of expenses (salaries, other costs)? 100,000 PLN can be transferred without a contract within the entire grant - summary?

    Such reallocation cannot exceed 15% of the total eligible costs of a Project Promoter or Partner and cannot exceed PLN 100.000. For reallocation above this limit, a contract amendment will be required before the date the modification should take place.

  35. Are there limits for purchasing equipment?

    There is a limit of 500.000 PLN for purchase of single equipment.

  36. Can we also finance as direct costs of remuneration, costs related to non-obligatory components of remuneration? These are special allowances for the remuneration of people involved in the project, these allowances are governed by our internal regulations but concerning discretionary allowances or specific activities.

    According to the Financial Guidance, the cost of staff assigned to the project, comprising actual salaries plus social security charges and other statutory costs included in the remuneration, provided that this corresponds to the PP's and project partner's usual policy on remuneration.

  37. Does NCN allow salary supplements?

    Yes, it is allowed if the unit's regulations provide for it. Persons receiving salary supplements in projects must keep a working timesheets throughout their implementation.

  38. Please clarify the sub-item regarding the purchase of equipment for the project and depreciation, in particular the provisions regarding insurance and storage of equipment with repairs for 5 years after the end of the project. Is Institute of Sciences also apply these rules? Does all equipment purchased in the project have to be insured?

    Where the entire purchase price of the equipment is eligible, the Project Promoter and/or partner should follow the rules indicated in GRIEG guide on page 14.

  39. Where in the application form can I declare the employee's share in the project?

    In the "Research team" overlap - Scope of work place.

  40. Is it possible to hire in a post-doc position the same person who works now in a post-doc position in NCN project (in the same institution)?

    The post-doc has to be 'newly' employed according to the Guide for applicants. So the answer is NO. However, the person can be employed as a researcher/co-investigator.

  41. What kind of research equipment can be bought by partners in the projects from GRIEG program, are there any limits to the costs, form of purchase (full, leasing, rental) or purpose?

    The entire purchase price of that equipment cannot exceed PLN 500,000 per unit. Renting or leasing costs are eligible.

  42. Is It possible that the same person will play two roles in project for e.g. as administer and co- investigator?

    The co-investigator can also use part of the hours for administrative tasks.

  43. My question refers to PhD students. As you are aware we enter new era of PhD studies in Poland ( FINALLY!!!) and our new PhD will be recruited to Doctoral Schools. But most of the last for 4 years. My Norwegian partners wonder if we can fund their fellowships just for 36 months of GRIEG and who will pay for the last year of PhD?

    The answer to your question can be found in frequently asked questions by Norwegian Partners

  44. I would like someone to carry out field work or data analyses during 3 months only. What position should I enter? This information is not included in the project guide.

    It might be a co-investigator or a specialist of auxiliary post or may be even subcontracting depending on the individual situation.

  45. If we plan to enrol PhD students in Poland, they must be students at Polish university according to NCN rules. But for foreigners there is usually a fee to study here. Is there any option to omit this fee because of PhD in the project?

    You should ask the administration at the institution as this aspect depends of the institutional regulations.

  46. How the previous scientific experience of the Principal Investigator should cover with the topic of the proposal? I mean if someone work in the material science filed, for example in the area of metals, however never have published paper in the topic similar to the proposal theme?

    Previous scientific experiences of the Principal Investigator will be evaluated by international experts.

  47. If the planned research is interdisciplinary and concerns SSH and art is it possible to include (well-justified) artistic activities in the research & dissemination?

    If the artistic activities are linked to the project, yes. The justification you provide will be assessed by experts during project evaluation.

  48. When the partner from Norway will be payed through the project - what rates should be used for the wages?

    The Staff costs for Norwegian partners are included in Guide for applicants p. 13 and on our website in Frequently asked questions by Norwegian Partners

  49. My question concerns project manager (Principle Investigator): Can we hire a person who works at a different University at the time of applying?

    Yes, it is possible. Please remember that the entity in administrative declarations declares to employ the project's principal investigator in compliance with the proposal and principles set out for the call.

  50. The earliest start date is June 2020, how much later can the projects start (assuming they finish by the deadline of cost eligibility in April 2024)

    The NCN aims at signing all contracts within two from receiving funding decisions by beneficiaries to minimise risks in the programme. Requests to delay the stating date in projects will be accepted by the NCN in exceptional, well justified cases.

  51. The period of eligibility of expenses expires on April 30, 2024, does it mean that expenses incurred during the project period but accounted after its completion will be eligible?

    All project costs must be paid between the first and final dates of eligibility of a project as specified in the project contract but not later than to 30 April 2024.

  52. Which is the latest start date of the project?

    The NCN aims at signing all contracts within two from receiving funding decisions by beneficiaries to minimise risks in the programme. Requests to delay the stating date in projects will be accepted by the NCN in exceptional, well justified cases.

  53. Question regarding the Change management plan: legal requirements, code of conduct - are there any normative acts on the basis of which work is carried out?

    You need to analyse what existing legislation should be taken into account from the point of view of your project.

  54. What are indirect costs on the Norwegian side (in percentages)?

    25% apart from research institutes

  55. The fieldwork in the project may involve students from both Norway and Poland. Should they all be payed after Polish wage-rates?

    The wage-rates depend on where the person is employed.

  56. Data management plan: Will NCN prepare any instructions, preferences, which are expected to be fulfilled?

    Guidelines for completing the data management plan are available in the announcement of the GRIEG call on our webpage.

  57. If our description mentions research programme - a part of our entire programme to be conducted by a certain co-investigator, wouldn't it be a problem if the co-investigator is not named in the application (no option for that in the system)?

    The name of the co-investigator is not required in the OSF system.

  58. My Norwegian partners have special fund for publishing Open-access papers and they don't see a sense of reserving extra funds for them in GRIEG budget. Would it be acceptable by reviewers if we explain that we will publish the results of GRIEG in open access, but fund it from different source?


  59. Is the performance of the same task on the Polish and Norwegian side for comparison considered to be complementarity (i.e. same measurements using different methods or model studies using different models)?


  60. What are the most important criteria for selection and evaluation of proposals

    Please see the evaluation criteria (5.2) in the Guide for evaluators

  61. I have a question about Data Management Plan section. In the application it is a very broad and detailed section. How should it be approached in case of the consortium? Should each partner present their own institutional solution or do you expect some common consortium's approach?

    The data management plan should cover the whole consortium.

  62. The guidelines mention "timesheets" for those who are not enrolled full time. Shall we provide it now, or later on if the funding is granted?

    Timesheets have to be used throughout the duration of the project to record working time.

  63. Where to include the foreign partner in the system - in participating entities, in International Collaboration, in both places?

    Include Norwegian partners in participating entities. They will appear in international cooperation automatically. Non Norwegian foreign entities should be included in international cooperation only.

  64. How can we include Norwegians as auxiliary editors / readers of the application?

    On the bottom of the application form in the OSF system there is place where you can add auxiliary editors/ readers.

  65. If I understand the previous answer correctly, then one device can be spent up to PLN 500,000? That is, if we would like to buy 2, maybe PLN 1 million?

    Yes, if each costs 500,000.

  66. Who covers the cost of Norwegian arrivals and stay in Poland?

    The travel costs of any scientists employed in an organisation which is a project partner must be covered by such organisation. Travel costs of research team members of a Norwegian project partner may not be covered by a Polish entity. If a Polish project leader budgets reimbursement for the travel costs of an independent expert from Norway, not employed in a Norwegian partner entity, the relevant budget category for the expenditure should be: Costs entailed by other contracts for the purposes of carrying out the project, pursuant to Art. 8.3.1.f of the Regulation on the implementation of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021.

  67. Is there a cap on the total equipment budget per partner?

    There is no limit connected with the total equipment budget per partner, but please remember to follow the rules indicated in Guide for Applicants (page 12-13).

  68. Can the names of individual investigators appear in the project description? I do not mean Principal Investigator or Project Partner.

    The name of the co-investigator is not required in the OSF system

  69. What kind of contracts (except scholarships) are possible: only employment contracts and bonuses (additional remuneration) in Poland as the description of other contracts (civil law contracts) does not follow conditions below: "the natural person is assigned to the project and named in the project team, the natural person works under the instructions of the Project Promoter or Project Partner and, unless otherwise agreed with the Project Promoter or Project Partner, on the premises of the Project Promoter or Project Partner, the results of the work belong to the Project Promoter or Project Partner and the costs are not significantly different from the costs of the staff performing similar tasks under an employment contract with the Project Promoter or Project Partner?"

    Civil law contracts may be used if they fulfil all conditions that you mention. Otherwise employment contracts need to be used.

  70. The costs of the administrative manager (remuneration) should be in the main budget or in indirect costs?

    In the main budget: Personnel costs and scholarships

  71. Do tangible assets below 3500 PLN/piece (small bench equipment, hardware) fall under category of equipment or consumables and supplies?

    It depends on the entity accounting principles.

  72. Is it possible to include a partner from another country? To be e.g. an expert without a salary, but with possibility to cover his/her travel expenses (like in Harmonia project) ?

    Yes. Please, be aware that travel and accommodation costs of external experts has to be included in the 'costs entailed by other contracts' cost category. Not in travel costs, where only staff taking part in the project should be included.

  73. We have two candidates for Principle Investigator. One person has better publications in international journals but not directly connected with the project goals (however within the chosen discipline). Second person has good publications in Polish and significant practical experience directly connected with the project goals plus few papers in international journals. Which one would be the better option in the proposal? (Anyway both of them will work in the project.)

    It is your decision. Please note that PI will be evaluated by international experts.

  74. Please correct me if I'm wrong but do we have to add 25% of overheads from the funds for Norwegian partner (max. 40% of the budget)? My partners told me that they will have a problem to accept it as they are the Norwegian research institute.

    According to the guide for applicants the indirect eligible costs will be determined by applying a flat rate of 25% of the total direct eligible costs. However, according to the Research Council of Norway's procedure for “Payroll and indirect costs”, the Norwegian entities classed as “Research Institutes” calculate the payroll and indirect costs together, as hourly rates for the staff participating in a project.

  75. If someone is foreseen to take part in the project and receive a salary as "full time" in one year, while it is a 3-years project, can she/he take part in seminars and do field work without a salary in the remaining 2 years?

    Only costs of staff assigned to the project can be covered, so you need to be named in the project team and recognised as a team member by your institution. However, if the institution can cover you remuneration for the work in the project from own sources it is allowable.

  76. What does it mean - "The Principal Investigator cannot be the authorised representative of the Project Promoter " - cannot be in National Court Register?

    It means that the PI and the person representing the Project Promoter cannot be the same person. Therefore, if the PI is e.g. a Director, then as the person representing the entity, he must indicate another person to represent the entity in the proposal (e.g. deputy director).'

  77. Is it possible for the PI not to be paid or to have an addition to her/his regular salary only?

    If the PI is not paid from the project that means that the hours are paid from the institution's own sources. A timesheet would be required anyway. Please, remember that the involvement of the PI must be significant and sufficient for proper implementation of the project.

  78. If we want to organize a major, international conference in collaboration with other organizations/institutions, could the co-organizers still set up fees for participation or it is a general rule that every event co-organized for GRIEG projects must be free-of-charge?

    Yes, the general rule is that the participation in the event financed by the project must be free of charges

  79. Can PI ask in the budget only for "additional salary" if his/her salary is paid by the polish employer? If so what is the per month limit in PLN for such an additional salary?

    Yes, it is possible. The rates for that additional salary should comply with the Project Promoter's and Project Partner's standard policy on remuneration. A timesheet would be required anyway. Please, remember that the involvement of the PI must be significant and sufficient for proper implementation of the project.

  80. When we choose the depreciation options (when buying devices), do we need to insure the equipment and keep it for 5 years after finishing the project?


  81. Is the PI experience decisive for the assessment during evaluation of the scientific excellence like in some other e.g. Polish grants?

    Yes, evaluation of the research track record of the Principal Investigator and the consortium partners is the part of evaluation criteria: GRIEG guide for evaluators - page 7

  82. How we should understand the significant role of a young vs experienced researcher if young researcher (like 3 PhD students) often require at least initially management and supervision or training by experienced researcher?

    Active involvement of young researchers should be understood as supporting their career development and skills. Therefore, mentoring from experienced researchers is required. It is a good idea to involve young researchers as work package leaders or task leaders so that they could gain/enhance their skills in project management.

  83. Could you write PLN/NOK rate?

    The NOK/PLN rate is not provided. Please, use any current rate to show your costs in PLN.

  84. Does a young scientist have to be known by name or can he be chosen through a competition?

    Only the PI and partners are indicated by name in the application form.

  85. How detailed should be the justification of the budget in the context of possible budget changes during the project implementation? More precisely, to what extent will the project team be able to modify purchases within each category from what was provided in the application without annexing the grant agreement. What will be the margin of liberty here?

    The budgetary flexibility is descripted in Guide for applicants section 4.8.

  86. Is it possible to finance the creation of an independent project website from the GRIEG budget?


  87. When can I expect the funding decision? How soon should you sign the contract from the time the results are announced? How quickly can you start implementing tasks after signing the contract?

    Announcement of the GRIEG call results is foreseen in March/April 2020 and the contracts are expected to be signed in April/June 2020. The first date of the project start can be May/June 2020

  88. I would like to understand a couple of details about PI's salary, in case s/he plans 100% time involvement in the GRIEG study. Will s/he be also able to receive salaries from other sources, e.g., 1. regular salary from his Institute (as an addition to GRIEG salary), 2. salary from external sources (e.g., umowa zlecenie/umowa o dzieło), 3. salary from other NCN grants, 4. salary from other Institute (e.g., in another country), 5. salary from another regular works performed by scientists (e.g., as an evaluator of European grants).

    The PI in the GRIEG call employed under a full time employment contract may receive remuneration from other sources if it possible under general, Polish, EU law as well as the entity's employment procedures and regulations.

  89. Can a co-investigator be from outside EU? For example, from Russia? If yes, he would be payed like a polish investigator?

    Yes, the co-investigator can be from outside EU (any nationality) but please remember that entity declare to employ investigators.

  90. Could a regional museum (local government unit) be a partner?


  91. Can the publication of conference materials be sold or should it be free?

    It should be for free.

  92. I wonder how the reviewers will react if in the proposal apart from strong Norwegian - Polish cooperation and leadership we will show that during GRIEG we plan to cooperate with world-leading experts from other countries (note: no funds planned form them)?

    Participation of such experts should be justified in the proposal for the reviewers to assess if the participation is needed

  93. The minimum scholarship per month is 3 500 PLN, and maximum budget for all scholarships in Polish Teams is 30 000 PLN per month. Does it mean if there will be only one fellow he/she may receive 30 000 PLN per month or there is month limit 5 000 as it is described in the example of application form? Are the scholarships possible in Norwegian teams?

    According to the Resolution of the Council of the National Science Centre the total amount of scholarships and remuneration received does not exceed PLN 5,000 per month. More information on funding the Norwegian partners can be found in questions frequently asked by Norwegian partners.

  94. Is there a limit on the costs of scientific publications?


  95. What does it mean - quality control measures. We should use SOP?

    You can think of quality assurance as the activities and management processes that are done to ensure that the project results will be delivered at the required quality level. It is focused on the development of the project results. You should use the tools and procedures that are accepted and commonly used at your entity.

  96. Regarding questions about data management, quality control etc. Is it required to establish these rules especially for the project or is it just required to obey the official rules of the University (e.g. RODO)?

    You can establish rules especially for the project but they have to be compatible with the policy of your entity.

  97. Is google drive accepted as a data backup tool?

    It is a question for the IT Department in your entity.

  98. Are there any limits/preferences regarding overheads/salaries/management costs?

    All the limits regarding overheads, salaries and management costs are indicated in the Guide for applicants document, part 4 Costs and expenditures.

  99. Any slight differences between letters of intent received from different organizations can be treated as formal mistakes?

    Letters of intent will be evaluated by the experts as a part of the merit based evaluation. Be aware that all information included in the template has to be present in the letter of intent.

  100. One of expected results of GRIEG is involvement of young researchers in the projects, in a way which supports their career development and skill. Should I put in the proposal specific names of young researchers, or only planned position (i.e. when post-doc not known up to date will be task leader)?

    In case of the young researchers (post docs, scholarship grantee/student/PhD student) you should specify their position. Only PIs and partners are indicated with names and surnames. When planning project staff, there are planned positions not specific persons. So, when a project is underway it will, if necessary, be possible to change a given contractor. Scholarships for under-and post-graduate students must be awarded and new employees in post-doc positions recruited in accordance with the guidelines described in the Guide for Applicants.

  101. Is it possible for a Full-time Principal Investigator to have a salary planned for fewer than 36 months of the project (the PI has a permanent position, but will handle multiple projects)?

    The Principal Investigator is responsible for the GRIEG project implementation for 36 months. Therefore, he/she needs to be involved in the project implementation for 36 months. The PI does not need to work on the GRIEG project full time. Therefore, the PI can be parallelly involved in other projects. The involvement in the GRIEG project has to registered using a time sheet. Please, remember that the involvement of the PI must be significant and sufficient for proper implementation of the project.

  102. Can people specified in the research team also participate in other projects or can they be involved only in GRIEG?

    In case of the full time post-docs they can be involved only in the GRIEG project. The co-investigators may be involved also in the other projects according to the internal rules that are in force in the each entity.

  103. Are we allowed to be a Polish Partner (not PI or from Promoter institution) of the project in more than one proposal?


  104. Is subcontracting possible? To what extent?

    Subcontracting is possible according to Guide for Applicants part 4.4, page 16.

  105. If a PI has a full-time position in another NCN grant, can they start their FT employment in the GRIEG project later, after that project concludes?

    "Expenditures incurred after 30 April 2024 shall not be eligible in the GRIEG call. That leaves time for a three year project starting on 1 May 2020 with a possibility of up to 12 months extension. The NCN aims at signing all contracts within two months from receiving funding decisions by beneficiaries to minimize risks in the program. Requests to delay the stating date in projects will be accepted by the NCN in exceptional, justified cases. Need to finish a running project is not considered a convincing reason for delay.

    In national calls there is a possibility of terminating the project in advance if all planned results have been accomplished. Unused costs of the full employment salary of the Principal Investigator and other unused costs should be returned to the NCN.

    As the GRIEG call is announced only once within the Polish Basic Research Program under the Norway Grants the NCN may allow in justified cases for parallel implementation of a running national project and a project within the GRIEG call. However, each case will need to be analysed individually in the GRIEG project contracting phase. The Principle Investigator should propose the percent of the salary that will be covered by each of the projects during the contracting phase."

  106. Is it possible that PI from Norway can be in two applications to GRIEG?


  107. Do you plan to announce GRIEG 2 call ?

    No, it is not planned

  108. Similar research tasks-> Principal Investigator -> Authors of the project descriptions: Authors of what? This proposal or proposal with similar tasks?

    Authors of the proposal

  109. If I plan to buy equipment that will be used during field research, and not during the office work, is the cost considered eligible only for the field work (for example 17 month of field work)?

    Only the portion of the depreciation corresponding to the duration of the project and the rate of actual use for the purposes of the project may be considered eligible. However, in case the PO determines that the equipment is an integral and necessary component for achieving the outcomes of the project, the entire purchase price of that equipment may be eligible. The necessity of purchase needs to be justified in the proposal.

  110. Who does the audit and where should this cost be included?

    According to the Guide for applicants audit is mandatory for Polish project partners when the grant amount is equal to or greater than PLN 2 million. Norwegian partner should submit the audit certificate when his budget is more than 325 000 EUR. The cost of the audit can be planned in the other direct costs as costs arising directly from requirements imposed by the project contract for each project.

  111. Can we have two leaders for one work package?

    Yes, you can

  112. Can the Norwegian partner hire a PhD student. If, yes, is it on a fellowship or in a work-contract?

    The Norwegian partner can hire a PhD student and the type of employment depends on the rules in the Norwegian entity.

  113. Is it possible to lease equipment which costs more than PLN 500,000 when full cost of financial lease do not exceed PLN 500,000


  114. If PI devotes 50% of his/her time to project, are timesheets required in such case?

    Yes, they are required

  115. Can we pay the salary as a special allowance?

    Yes, it is possible if it conforms to accounting principles, the usual internal rules and standard policy on remuneration at the entity. Therefore, the final resolution and decision on this issue lies with the organisation at hand. Persons receiving special allowances in projects have to complete time sheets throughout the duration of the project. Only the costs of the actual hours worked by the persons directly carrying out work under the project may be charged. Working time is the total number of hours, excluding holidays, personal time, sick leave, or other allowances.

  116. Can we employ the applicant's researchers for the GRIEG as additional employment (annex to the employment contract)?

    Yes, it is possible if it conforms to accounting principles, the usual internal rules and standard policy on remuneration at the entity. Therefore, the final resolution and decision on this issue lies with the organisation at hand. Persons employed in projects have to complete time sheets throughout the duration of the project. Only the costs of the actual hours worked by the persons directly carrying out work under the project may be charged. Working time is the total number of hours, excluding holidays, personal time, sick leave, or other allowances.

  117. Can senior researchers be employed in the project (experienced researchers, more senior than post-docs) with full-time employment contract. I mean a new position here, not the persons already employed in the entity

    Senior researchers can be employed in the project as researcher with full time position.

  118. Can PI also be responsible for project management and can perform research planned in the project?

    Yes, the PI can be responsible for the project management.

  119. But within the type of expenses (for example "other costs") could I relocate money without restrictions? Or is also restricted with the 100,000 PLN?

    According to the Guide for Applicants, the Applicants should note that during the course of the project, budgetary flexibility is given in order to allow for appropriate project management. Reallocation of funds among the cost categories does not require the prior approval of the Programme Operator and would not result in an addendum to the contract. Cost categories are defined as one of the main sub-heads of the budget which are the cost of staff assigned to the project; the cost of new and second-hand equipment and other costs. Such reallocation cannot exceed 15% of the total eligible costs of a Project Promoter or Partner and cannot exceed PLN 100.000.

  120. Is it possible to subcontract investigations to non-Polish/Norwegian entities?
  121. Yes
  122. In the letter of intent signed by the Norwegian partner, the "principal investigator" refers to the Norwegian PI or the Polish PI?

    Polish PI

  123. May I ask for the answer if we are able to use in our proposals the maximum amounts of staff costs from the GRIEG guide even if they are different than our remunerations (actual salaries) in our organization?

    In the proposal you can plan the maximum amounts of staff costs. However, they must conform to accounting principles, the usual internal rules and standard policy on remuneration. Therefore, the final resolution and decision on this issue lies with the organization at hand.

  124. Can the PI receive the salary supplement instead of a full employment?


    Benefits increasing basic remuneration for work performed to carry out project assignments under Norway Grants and EEA Grants are eligible expenditures if the rules applicable at a given entity provide for such payments. According to regulations on the implementation of the Financial Mechanisms, they must conform to accounting principles, the usual internal rules and standard policy on remuneration. Therefore, the final resolution and decision on this issue lies with the organisation at hand. A prerequisite is that the benefits should be paid in proportion to the objectives for which they are paid and should be necessary for proper implementation of the project. It should also be remembered that project expenditures must be spent exclusively for the attainment of project goals and for expected results in an economically rational, effective and efficient manner. Persons receiving benefits in projects have to complete time sheets throughout the duration of the project. Only the costs of the actual hours worked by the persons directly carrying out work under the project may be charged. Working time is the total number of hours, excluding holidays, personal time, sick leave, or other allowances.


  125. In the research team section there is a choice between 'Add from opi' and 'add from outside of database', then the system offers you different options for positions. Is my understating correct that the only people that need to be mentioned by name in the proposal are Polish and Norwegian PIs, while the rest research team remain anonymous?

    Yes, the co-investigators in the proposal are anonymous.

  126. Can I plan the maximum salary with GRIEG as a PI, although I earn less in my current position.

    Yes, you can plan the maximum salary as a PI in the GRIEG's proposal. However, the salary must conform to accounting principles, the usual internal rules and standard policy on remuneration. Therefore, the final resolution and decision on this issue lies with the organization at hand.

  127. I represent Polish part and want to ask if there is a possibility to cover by project budget travel to Norwegian Partners and attending there in the research for some time?

    Yes it is possible.

  128. Are Norwegian partners allowed to buy equipment?

    Yes, they are allowed

  129. Provided that the Norwegian partner exceeds the budget of 325.000 EUR and has to do audit. Should it be done in the end of the project or is an annual audit required?

    It has to be done in the end of the project and contained in the final financial report.

  130. What if we choose the depreciation option (during the project duration) and it will be equal to 100% of the device value (i.e. it will be fully depreciated during the project duration). I will point out that these are small devices.

    It is OK that a device is fully depreciated during the project duration. This must however be done according to the internal accountant policy in your entity.

  131. Does the PI person of each consortium member have to have a minimum PhD?

    According to the GRIEG rules only Polish Principal Investigator must, as a minimum, have a PhD.

  132. How to calculate the hourly rate? Is it necessary to calculate an hourly rate for employees working part time for the project declaring specific % of their employment?

    All staff members who are not employed 100% in the project have to record time using time sheets. Working time is the total number of hours, excluding holidays, personal time, sick leave, or other allowances. Working time should be recorded throughout the duration of the project by timesheets or suitable time recording system, adequately supported by evidence of their reality and reliability.

  133. I considered one position co-investigator for 36 months. Can I hire two people 18 month each? In other words can I split the position, maintain the overall cost?

    Yes, it is possible

  134. Can post-doc position be performed in the same research unit where the PhD was done?

    Yes it is possible

  135. Do the 25% of indirect cost go to the institution of PI (Polish) or do some of the indirect costs go the other partners of the project (Norwegian and Polish partners)?

    Each entity calculates their own indirect costs as 25% of their eligible direct costs.

  136. Does the purchase of specialized testing software burden the equipment cost or are these other costs?

    It depends on the internal accounting policy

  137. Does the limit for the equipment (PLN 500 000) include indirect costs?


  138. Is a PhD candidate obligated to start his studies on the 1st of October or we can recruit him over the year?

    You can recruit the PhD over the year

  139. You wrote, that for post-doc position it should be 'newly' employed person, however in the RESOLUTION NR 68/2019, I have only found that the person must be selected through open calls. It means that, it can be someone who works previously as a post-doc in the same institution, but can be hired after winning the competition?

    However, in the guide for applicants it is clearly stated that the person has to be newly employed.

  140. Is the NCN contract only with the leader or with all consortium members? By when must a leader sign contracts with consortium members?

    The Project Partners have to supply a letter of intent for the implementation of the research project, which has to be submitted together with the proposal. Please note that adding Project Partners during the project is not allowed. The Project Promoter and Project Partners must sign a partnership agreement for the implementation of the research project before the Project Contract is signed. The partnership agreement template will be provided at the contracting stage. Only the leader signs the contract with the NCN.

  141. All project costs must be paid between the first and final dates of eligibility of a project as specified in the project contract, but not later than to 30 April 2024. Does it mean that the invoices issued in the last days of the project should be paid by the end date of the project and not by the payment date indicated by the company (e.g. within 2 weeks)?

    Costs in respect of which an invoice has been issued in the final month of eligibility are also deemed to be incurred within the dates of eligibility if the costs are paid within 30 days of the final date for eligibility. However, no costs can be paid after 30 April 2024.

  142. Can research institutes from Norway calculate 25% indirect costs, excluding personnel costs in that calculation?

    Most partners (such as universities, university colleges, enterprises) from Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, should use the same rates for personnel costs as in H2020 projects. Indirect costs (overheads) are calculated as a flat rate of 25% of all the direct costs. However, Norwegian research institutes which report personnel rates to the Research Council of Norway, and have those personnel rates approved by the RCN, may use those as Standard scales of unit costs (ref. Regulation art. 8.4.b). This means they should use the same rates as in applications to RCN calls. It is important to note that in such cases, no indirect or overhead costs should be included in the budget, as they are already included in the personnel rates.

  143. How to understand similar research tasks?

    The PI has to describe the tasks and point out the differences between the studies previously or currently carried out and the tasks covered by this application in order to exclude double financing.

  144. Should Polish and Norwegian partners also plan funds in the budget for opening a separate account assigned to the project?

    To limit a potential risk of double funding the partners are advised to open dedicated bank accounts for the project if possible. The cost of opening and maintaining a separate bank account is eligible.

  145. What is the limit of indirect costs for Polish consortium members?

    Indirect eligible costs will be determined by applying a flat rate of 25% of the total direct eligible costs, excluding direct eligible costs for subcontracting and the costs of resources made available by third parties which are not used on the premises of the beneficiary, as well as financial support to third parties.

  146. What kind of costs can be assigned to the category 'costs arising from other contracts'?

    In the category "Costs entailed by other contracts" the costs of other contracts linked to the implementation of the project are eligible for the Project Promoter and/or Partner, provided the awarding complies with the applicable rules on public procurement and the Regulation. In the category "Costs arising directly from the requirements imposed by the project contract" costs of the report by an independent auditor, costs of opening and maintaining the bank account, etc., may be incurred.

  147. Could pls kindly explain whether people who were affected by past natural hazards - floods, heat waves and the likes who will be queried by the project should be considered as medically vulnerable?

    These kind of issues need to be solved by the applicant according to their entity policy, legal requirements, rules of ethical commissions etc.

  148. Is it possible for the university to submit several applications?

    Yes, it is possible

  149. We are planning to hire two young Norwegian researchers (co-investigators). If we cannot find them, could we hire polish instead?

    The nationality of the investigators in the GRIEG's project is not the case the most important is that the investigators have to be assigned to Polish or Norwegian entities.