Funding schemes

The National Science Centre supports basic research by funding research projects carried out by individual researchers and research teams, both on the domestic and international level, as well as doctoral fellowships and post-doctoral internships. NCN announces calls for proposals four times a year. The NCN grantee must be employed at a Polish host institution. Additional conditions applicable to each call are set forth by the Council of the NCN.

See the short description of NCN funding schemes by clicking one of the links below:

OPUS: general grants – now open

PRELUDIUM: pre-doctoral grants – now open

PRELUDIUM BIS funding scheme piktogramPRELUDIUM BIS: PhD students

SONATINA: PhD holder grants 

SONATA: PhD holder grants

SONATA BIS: PhD holder grants

MAESTRO: advanced grants 

TANGO: proof-of-concept type grants – now open

POLONEZ BIS: fellowship programme (2021-2026)

MINIATURA: enabling award

DIOSCURI: Centres of Scientific Excellence in Central and Eastern Europe – now open

Closed calls

ETIUDA: doctoral scholarship

HARMONIA: international research projects

UWERTURA: fellowship in ERC-funded projects 

POLONEZ: fellowship programme (2015-2021)

GRIEG: Polish-Norwegian research projects, EEA and Norway Grants
IdeaLab:  ground-breaking, interdisciplinary research projects, EEA and Norway Grants

International calls