This is a match-making section for JPIAMR 16th call -AMR diagnostics and surveillance 2023 (DISTOMOS).
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wild-life, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals) Plants (incl. trees and crops)FoodEnvironment (incl. natural and built)Rapid diagnosis IR spectroscopy Machine learning
We at the division of Applied Material science, have a broad knowledge of antipathogenic materials and IR spectroscopy (includes IR microscopy, but also new sensitive methods using waveguides and quantum cascade lasers as the light source). We are looking for international partners with expertise in microbiology and machine learning, especially for IR spectroscopy.
We are trying to develop new technologies combining IR spectroscopy for rapid analysis of bacteria, antibiotics, and their interactions. Combining machine learning, we will aim for a map and fast diagnosis. It could be for humans, animals and environment.
Submitted on 2023-02-14 15:04:11
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