About the NCN

National Science Centre (NCN)

NCN is a government agency, supervised by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, set up in 2011 to support basic research in Poland.

Basic research is defined as empirical or theoretical endeavours undertaken to gain new knowledge of the foundations of phenomena and observable facts, without any direct commercial use.

NCN funds projects in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Life Sciences and Physical Sciences and Engineering. The NCN has funding schemes dedicated to researchers at different stages of their career.

Our goals

  • supporting excellent research projects in all fields of science and humanities
  • funding doctoral scholarships and post-doctoral internships
  • financing research projects carried out by experienced researchers aimed at implementing pioneering research important for the development of science
  • inspiring international cooperation in basic research
  • supervising the implementation of the awarded research projects
  • one of the priorities of the Centre is to support and develop the scientific careers of pre-doctoral and doctoral researchers about to embark on a career in research