16th JPIAMR transnational call for research projects - AMR diagnostics and surveillance 2023 (DISTOMOS)

This is a match-making section for JPIAMR 16th call -AMR diagnostics and surveillance 2023 (DISTOMOS).

General Information

  • Type: Partner looking for project
  • Organisation: Hôpital melun
  • Country: France (FR)
  • Career stage: Early Career Researcher (up to 8 years** since PhD).

Research area

  • Scientific area(s) of the call:
    1. Topic 2: to develop or improve existing strategies, technologies or methods, or data use strategies to support One Health AMR surveillance
  • One Health Setting:

    Human Health

    Animal Health (incl. wild-life, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
    Plants (incl. trees and crops)
    Environment (incl. natural and built)

  • Keywords:

    Antibiotics stewardhip AMR antibiostewardship programs and actions infection control disease programs control resistance programs control

  • Brief description of your expertise / expertise you are looking for:

    I am a young career researcher, working as a doctor in an infectious disease general hospital. I have expertise in antimicrobial stewardhip programs and actions, water and air vector human disease and resistance. I am interested in human and environmental health and resistance, I am used to work on bacterial pathogens and resistances, viral transmission, and epidemiological data. I plan to evolve these projects by strengthening the link between environemental and human health.

  • Brief description of your project / the project you would like to join:

    I am looking for projects, in which we can used our antibiostewardship and AMR knowledge and actions.

Contact details

Maxence ROUYER

Submitted on 2023-03-07 13:05:19

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