This is a match-making section for JPIAMR 16th call -AMR diagnostics and surveillance 2023 (DISTOMOS).
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wild-life, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)synthetic chemistry; computational chemistry; Metallo-beta-lactamase inhibitors; in vivo; in vitro
We are based in South Africa; our team are experts in synthetic organic chemistry as well as computational chemistry. We are making novel Metallo-beta-lactamase inhibitors that already display excellent in vitro and in vivo efficiency. We can do microbiology testing and in vivo animal trials.
We are based in South Africa; our team are experts in synthetic organic chemistry as well as computational chemistry. We are making novel Metallo-beta-lactamase inhibitors that already display excellent in vitro and in vivo efficiency. We can do microbiology testing and in vivo animal trials.
Submitted on 2023-01-25 16:52:42
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