This is a match-making section for JPIAMR 16th call -AMR diagnostics and surveillance 2023 (DISTOMOS).
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wild-life, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals) FoodEnvironment (incl. natural and built)Antimicrobial resistance Diarrheal pathogens Molecular epidemiology
I am Dr. Neha Rajpara, assistant professor at the Institute of Advanced Research, Gandhinagar, India since 2022. I finished my Ph.D. in 2019. The main topic of my thesis was the role of mobile genetic elements imparting drug resistance in diarrheal pathogens. Then I joined as a research associate in the One health Poultry hub project at Gujarat Biotechnology Reserach Centre, Gandhinagar, India. Here, I worked on antimicrobial resistance of poultry pathogens. I also worked on survillence of SARS-CoV-2 and diagnostic kit development.
I am interested in collaborating on a project related to AMR surveillance.
Submitted on 2023-01-30 14:35:58
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