This is a match-making section for JPIAMR 16th call -AMR diagnostics and surveillance 2023 (DISTOMOS).
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wild-life, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals) FoodPOC diagnostics; microarray lateral flow; microarray-ELISA; multiplex amplification; on-site
Development of rapid microarray diagnostic platforms, also combined with preceding multiplex amplification of genes. Already developed a multiplex PCR for 4 genes coding for carbapenamases and the gene coding for colistin.
Project 4 (ZA): Determination of presence of carbapenamases and colistin resistance in the clinical isolates from Mthatha and surrounding areas. Project 9 (UK): Development of novel POC Diagnostics for monitoring infections in livestock
Submitted on 2023-01-30 14:36:49
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