17th JPIAMR transnational call for research projects - AMR Interventions 2024 (IMPACT)

This is a match-making section for JPIAMR 17th call - AMR Interventions 2024 (IMPACT).

General Information

  • Project title: Cell-free biosynthesis and engineering of anti-fungals.
  • Type: Project looking for partner
  • Organisation: Queen Mary University of London
  • Country: (UK)
  • Career stage: Other.

Research area

  • Scientific area(s) of the call:
    1. Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
  • Subtopics:

  • One Health Setting:

    Human Health

    Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
    Plants (incl. trees and crops)

  • Keywords:

    Synthetic biology; cell-free systems; natural products

  • Brief description of your expertise / expertise you are looking for:

    My expertise is in the emerging area of cell-free synthetic biology. Am looking for prospective partners with either expertise in chemistry, natural products or bioinformatics that complement overall project.

  • Brief description of your project / the project you would like to join:

    Use of cell-free systems for the rapid combinatorial expression and engineering of putative biosynthetic pathways that make anti-fungals. Key advantages include speed, automation and derivatization at microtitre scale, and expression of toxic molecules.

Contact details

Simon Moore

Submitted on 2024-01-11 09:58:27

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