This is a match-making section for JPIAMR 17th call - AMR Interventions 2024 (IMPACT).
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)Human and animal intervention and educativo o antibiograms interpretation
I am a medical doctor especialized in clínical pathology and with a máster in medical Microbiologia currently taking a máster in público health. I am keen in AMR and I would like to develop a pilot nation Wide for human and animal doctores on education
I am currently developing a pilot programame to educate medical doctor o the interpretación of antibiograms and I would like to make this a nation programa for animal doctores as well. I believe that if we implement this type of strategies in LMIC would impact tremendously in the prescripcion costo, reduction o pressure on microbus and a reduction o AMR and obteining an imorove estatus of AMR in the countey.
Submitted on 2024-01-30 18:59:28
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