CHANSE Call Partner Search Tool

This is a match-making section for CHANSE, HERA and NORFACE: Crisis and Wellbeing calls.

General Information

  • Type: Partner looking for project
  • Organisation: University of Birmingham
  • Country: United Kingdom (UK)

Research area

  • Call theme: Enhancing well-being for the future
  • Keywords:

    subjective wellbeing; region cities geography; workforce

  • Brief description of your expertise / expertise you are looking for:

    I have worked on subjective wellbeing in relation to employment and homeworking. I am currently working on geographical differences in wellbeing, questions around living in cities and wellbeing. My expertise is in secondary data analysis and longitudinal data analysis. I have previously worked in an European-wide project funded by the ERC. I am currently based in a city-region economic development institute.

  • Brief description of your project / the project you would like to join:

    I am interested in the underexplored geographical differences in subjective wellbeing. Since most existing research looks at evaluative wellbeing and happiness, looking at eudaemonic wellbeing may be interesting.

Contact details

Darja Reuschke

Submitted on 2023-06-12 13:28:38

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