This is a match-making section for CHANSE, HERA and NORFACE: Crisis and Wellbeing calls.
Neuroscience consumer mental well-being sustainable consumer behavior circular consumer behavior
My colleague Eglė Vaiciukynaite (expert in neurosciences, neuromarketing and AI) and me, Ausra Rutelione, (researcher of the dark side of consumer behavior (materialism, compulsive buying, conflict of values, esp., materialistic and green) as well as a bright side (sustainable consumption behavior), as well as mental health) are ready to contribute to the project proposal preparation and be active partner. I have more than 20 R&D projects\' (Horizon, EIT, COSME, Eureka, etc.) implementation experience. We are representing Kaunas University of Technology in Lithuania
The project we would be happy to join could be related with even dark or bright side of consumption and possibilities to decrease overconsumption, decrease addictions (like compulsive buying, materialism) and increase consumer mental health. We would be excited engaged in experiment based research that would let to shift to more sustainable change. We could also invite psychology as well as AI researchers, if needed.
Submitted on 2023-06-14 08:11:31
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