CHANSE Call Partner Search Tool

This is a match-making section for CHANSE, HERA and NORFACE: Crisis and Wellbeing calls.

General Information

  • Type: Partner looking for project
  • Organisation: Agintzari Social Cooperative - BOGAN Group
  • Country: Spain (ES)

Research area

  • Call theme: Enhancing well-being for the future
  • Keywords:

    evidence-based; social-services; minor-migrants; early-stage; deinstitutionalization

  • Brief description of your expertise / expertise you are looking for:

    Agintzari is a non-profit social organization belonging to the BOGAN group. We manage more than 50 public socio-educational and psychosocial intervention services aimed at children and families, both community-based (mild and moderate levels of lack of protection) and specialized (severe/very severe) in the Basque Country and Navarre (Spain). We are looking to participate - in one of the topics below - as an expert collaboration for a research partner.

  • Brief description of your project / the project you would like to join:

    We would like to participate, through the public services we manage, in a project that addresses one of these three areas of interest related to child and family mental health in the field of Social Services: - Strengthening the deinstitutionalization of cases of severe neglect through evidence-based practices. -To analyze mental health in unaccompanied migrant minors (MENAS), assess the need to adapt resources (methodological, technical, and housing resources and/or apply new intervention proposals. - To investigate the mental health needs of children at an early stage in order to improve detection and intervention in cases of vulnerability and risk of mild or moderate lack of protection. In any of these three areas we manage the competent public services in our geographical area and we have both technical intervention teams (psycho-socio-educational figures) and research teams (post-doctoral professionals).

Contact details

Eduardo Díaz

Submitted on 2023-06-14 08:08:57

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