This is a match-making section for CHANSE, HERA and NORFACE: Crisis and Wellbeing calls.
Theoretical and epistemological foundations of crises public policies Political economy of austerity Values and valuation
Expertise on the relation between ideas, discourses and policies and how this coalition comprises various spaces for the production and circulation of economic knowledge. Worked on the narratives mobilized by economic journalists during the implementation of the Troika’s “adjustment” program in Portugal. The case study comprised also an analysis of documentation produced by the IMF in relation to the Portuguese “adjustment program” with the objectives of: a) identifying the theoretical underpinnings of the architecture of the adjustment program; b) identifying the main \'surprises\' with which the IMF team was confronted during the implementation of the program; (c) characterizing the devices resorted to by the IMF experts to deal with \'surprise\'.
The purpose is to participate with other colleagues from the humanities in the understanding of the underlying economic ideas and discourses disputing different interpretations of the recent crises in Europe and the policies meant to deal with them.
Submitted on 2023-07-04 08:40:44
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