This is a match-making section for CHANSE, HERA and NORFACE: Crisis and Wellbeing calls.
public health migration intersectionality vulnerability qualitative methods
I am an anthropologist working at the Public Health Centre, Medical University of Vienna. I am trained in global health, medical anthropology, migration and gender studies and I work on themes related to participation of vulnerable groups, using all kinds of qualitative methods from open, semi structured interviews, to ethnography, life story narratives, photo elicitation, focus groups. Also I work on themes related to primary health care and informal care specifically interested in an intersectional analysis including gender, ethnicity and social class.
I would be interested in joining projects that work on enhancing wellbeing and participation of vulnerable population groups (medically, socioeconomically, ..), projects with a strong gender and migration lens.
Submitted on 2023-09-07 08:55:05
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