CHANSE Call Partner Search Tool

This is a match-making section for CHANSE, HERA and NORFACE: Crisis and Wellbeing calls.

General Information

  • Type: Partner looking for project
  • Organisation: Art Academy of Latvia
  • Country: Latvia (LV)

Research area

  • Call theme: Enhancing well-being for the future
  • Keywords:

    gender; design; technology; qualitative methods

  • Brief description of your expertise / expertise you are looking for:

    I am an experienced qualitative design researcher (PhD in Sociology). My research interests include relations between gender, technology and design, and social impact of design. In my last research project, I investigated how the material interactions between women users and vehicle interiors mediated women\'s experiences of (risk of) sexual harassment. In the project, investigation of women’s experiences was followed by an explorative design process, where I brought designers together with an urban planner, industry and a local feminist organisation to identify intervention points through which design can be complementary to policy making to ensure safe and inclusive travel experiences to women in public transport.

  • Brief description of your project / the project you would like to join:

    Gender and the city: Urban environments for care and sustainable mobility

Contact details

Pınar Kaygan

  • Organisation: Art Academy of Latvia
  • Position: Senior Researcher
  • E-mail:
  • Phone: 52672958

Submitted on 2023-09-13 10:23:04

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