CHANSE Call Partner Search Tool

This is a match-making section for CHANSE, HERA and NORFACE: Crisis and Wellbeing calls.

General Information

  • Project title: 2022 Ukraine crisis as a booster for building European civil society
  • Type: Project looking for partner
  • Organisation: Department of Polish-Ukrainian Studies Jagiellonian University
  • Country: Poland (PL)

Research area

  • Call theme: Enhancing well-being for the future
  • Keywords:

    Ukraine War Refuges Oral history European Values European Solidarity

  • Brief description of your expertise / expertise you are looking for:

    On February 24, 2022, the Russian Federation began the next stage of its anti-Ukrainian campaign, aimed from the very beginning to thwart plans for Ukraine\'s integration with the European Union and NATO. On that day, a pan-European grassroots action of citizens of EU countries began, aimed at providing humanitarian aid to Ukrainians fighting for the European future. Ukraine is the first country to fall victim to military intervention because of its desire to join the European community. A community that from 2022 can boast of a huge social uprising to help people who share their values. It is on this day that Europe is already able to demonstrate its common history, like a founding act built on active European societies. The values shared by the Ukrainians, and above all, the feeling for freedom and opposition to eastern tyranny. Through this historical event, EU countries changed their attitude not only to their history but also to the future. For example, after the great aid of European citizens, Germany revised its pacifist policy, Poland its historical prejudices, and France its historical fondness for the culture of the aggressor, etc. It shows that in the moment of crises all nations of Europe stand arm-to-arm with the goal of helping pro-European Ukrainians, and changing old values.

  • Brief description of your project / the project you would like to join:

    In the project, the researchers will put forward a thesis on whether a full-scale war in Ukraine is a founding ideology that can help counteract the differences between European communities in the future. The events and the huge effort of ordinary citizens have shown that the inhabitants of Europe in times of crisis can cooperate across divisions. The project will aim to analyse social media (mostly NGO profiles, but as well non-formal groups), local media, or profiles of European non-governmental organizations that spontaneously helped Ukraine. The project also aims to establish a museum of oral history (as a website), with a collection of interviews, among "ordinary \'\' European citizens who helped Ukraine during crises. Where their stories would be recorded as future "founding" history for pan-European civil society. A conference for local non-governmental organizations (practical side) and for academics would also be planned, where NGOs would share their organizational and logistic experience during humanitarian aid, and a monograph related to the subject of the project also would be published.

Contact details

Mateusz Kamionka

Submitted on 2023-06-07 08:21:38

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