IMPRESS-U Call Partner Search Tool

This is a match-making section for IMPRESS-U.

General Information

  • Type: Partner looking for project
  • Organisation: University of Warsaw
  • Country: Poland (PL)

Research area

  • NSF calls:
    • EAGER
    • International Supplements
  • Keywords:

    machine learning deep learning medicine computational biology public health

  • Brief description of your expertise / expertise you are looking for:

    I have extensive research experience in statistical and machine learning with application in genomics, medicine, and public health. My recent research focuses on developing and applying deep learning and AI in computer vision tasks. Beyond academic research, my collaborators and I also focus on software development and algorithm implementation for a wider utility. Prior to moving to Poland, I\'ve obtained a Ph.D. in Quantitative and Computational Biology at Princeton University and a B.S.E. in Biomedical Engineering (B.S.E.) at Duke University. I have also maintained a strong interest in public health, policy, and epidemiology. I studied Health and Health Policy (Graduate Certificate) at Princeton School of Public and International Affairs and completed UJMT Fogarty Global Health Fellowship (NIH Fogarty International Center) at the Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia & University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  • Brief description of your project / the project you would like to join:

    I am interested in multiple aspects of statistical and machine learning research, including deep learning and artificial intelligence. My research has focused generally on computational biology and medical imaging. But I am also willing to extend and apply my expertise in different fields. Note that I am now based at University of Warsaw (Poland).

Contact details

Neo Christopher Chung

Submitted on 2023-09-06 07:13:40

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