IMPRESS-U Call Partner Search Tool

This is a match-making section for IMPRESS-U.

General Information

  • Type: Partner looking for project
  • Organisation: Warsaw University of technology
  • Country: Poland (PL)

Research area

  • NSF calls:
    • EAGER
    • International Supplements
  • Keywords:

    remote sensing geospatial UAV surveying earth observation

  • Brief description of your expertise / expertise you are looking for:

    Warsaw University of Technology, together with Lviv Polytechnic National University University are working in strategic partnership and applying together for projects related to geospatial engineering (photogrammetry, remote sensing incl. satellite and airborne), geoinformation, cartography, virtual and augmented reality involving geospatial data, modern measurements technologies. Both units are leading technical universities in Poland and Ukraine. We both have about 100 employees, working in science, mostly related to geospatial techniques for surveying. We also collaborate with the other university units that can help us look for experts from other disciplines (architecture, urbanism, environmental engineering, civil engineering etc). We offer two integrated, collaborating units with similar scientific profiles with rich portfolios and scientists that can submit the project to our national financing units. If you have some ideas and you are looking for a partner, contact us soon and introduce your proposal.

  • Brief description of your project / the project you would like to join:

    The Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography WUT and the Institute of Geodesy would like to find an American partner (with a project proposal covering our scope) to collaborate in areas covering testing / developing sensors, creating methodologies and implementing solutions dealing with modern measuring solutions in geoscience/geomatics. We are most interested in UAV, airborne manned and satellite techniques of measurements (optic and lidar), and IT methods of data processing, detection and recognition of objects, and analysis of land use/cover analysis. All proposals involving us in topics close to our portfolio will be considered.

Contact details

Krzysztof Bakuła

Submitted on 2023-08-07 07:23:47

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