IMPRESS-U Call Partner Search Tool

This is a match-making section for IMPRESS-U.

General Information

  • Project title: Enhancing Laser Based Ion Sources with High Data Rate Techniques
  • Type: Project looking for partner
  • Organisation: Ohio State University
  • Country: The United States of America (US)

Research area

  • NSF calls:
    • International Supplements
  • Keywords:

    Collaborator for ELI experiments?

  • Brief description of your expertise / expertise you are looking for:

    I am looking for collaborators in Eastern Europe with expertise in experimental ultra-intense laser science.

  • Brief description of your project / the project you would like to join:

    My group is performing experiments on LaserNetUS and we are interested to perform similar research on ELI facilities if we can find an Eastern European partner. I am the PI of this award: One of our collaborators on that project is a Ukrainian American math professor. There would also be parts of the project that would involve Particle-in-Cell simulations of laser plasma interactions and analyzing laser data with machine learning. We could potentially involve students in Eastern Europe in those investigations. We are especially interested in proton acceleration in the high repetition rate regime.

Contact details

Chris Orban

Submitted on 2023-10-27 14:05:00

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