This is a match-making section for QuantERA Call 2023.
glass;microwave;microfabrication;electron;Paul trap
We offer expertise in laser-aided glass surface modification, improving the adhesion of thick metal films to glass wafers ( We are also developing a capability to microfabricate circuits on such a glass wafer. The metal film thickness and the glass properties allow for the production of high-power microwave devices (such as ion traps) with a low energy dissipation factor. Using this technology, we aim to develop a Paul trap for the confinement of electrons (operating at GHz frequencies) that will be interfaced with other quantum systems.
We are looking for a partner who would contribute to developing the electron Paul trap with capabilities such as superconductive layer deposition and advanced microfabrication techniques. Alternatively, the partner can improve the design altogether, adding elements distributing photons or generating a magnetic field for trapping or detection. A prospective partner may provide ideas on new qubit designs with electrons and entangled quantum systems. We are open to producing patents as the output from the prospective project.
Submitted on 2023-03-27 10:17:18
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