This is a match-making section for JPIAMR 14th call - Disrupting drug Resistance Using Innovative Design (DRUID).
Plants (including trees and crops)
in silico, in vitro, in vivo studies in crop/plant settings, including field studies
Plant specialized metabolities natural compounds
Major Fields of Interest Biology, Functional Genomics, and Biochemistry of Chemical Communication The Ibdah laboratory elucidates the biosynthetic pathways that produce novel and important plant specialized metabolites in various plants, uncover the mechanisms responsible for these pathways in the plant kingdom, and understand a given natural product\'s function in biology physiology of a given plant species. The most productive approach in this area has been a multidisciplinary one-which utilizes the best tools from the fields of chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, plant physiology, whole organism biology, and ecology-because understanding the role that a specific metabolite plays in the plant requires an understanding of the whole complexity surrounding its formation and utilization. Tools are only now becoming available, which allows us to gain this understanding. Besides the intrinsic scientific value of understanding plant metabolism and how plants produce specific natural products, such knowledge is essential for rational custom-designed breeding (by classical methods) of targeted natural product profiles in chemically tailored plants. In my lab we used several methods: Molecular biology e.g. RNA extraction, cDNA, PCR, qRT-PCR, cloning plasmid prep Biochemistry: Protein expression, SDS, enzyme activity assays Metabolic profiling: LC-MS, GC-MS Links:
Studying the Biological Function and the Biosynthesis of the Specialized Metabolites
Submitted on 2022-01-14 09:51:13
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