This is a match-making section for JPIAMR 14th call - Disrupting drug Resistance Using Innovative Design (DRUID).
Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
in silico, in vitro, in vivo
Mathematical models; Optimisation; Pharmacokinetics; Pharmacodynamics; Preditive Microbiology
We work on mathematical modelling and optimisation of the dynamics in antimicrobial-bacteria interaction. We are a theoretical group that has been collaborating with researchers interesting in the dynamics of bacteria in the food and animal settings through what is called predictive microbiology: modelling the dynamics (growth and death) of bacteria under different stressors such as antimicrobials.
We are interested in joining a project with the experimental potential to measure bacterial dynamics under different antimicrobials to, using mathematics, optimise the drug profile. Once a mathematical is obtained, we can infer the best therapies to decrease resistance. Some examples: Is it better a continuous addition of the drug, or adding it at constant concentrations at different times, which times? When the combination of drugs is possible, is there any synergy, which profile of each drug is better to decrease resistance?
Submitted on 2022-01-25 17:27:55
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