This is a match-making section for JPIAMR 14th call - Disrupting drug Resistance Using Innovative Design (DRUID).
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
in silico, in vitro, in vivo
antimicrobial repurposing; synergy; biocompatibitily; in vitro testing; Zymomonas mobilis
A multidisciplinary group of researchers at the Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology, University of Latvia, and AlternativePlants Ltd., has experience in development of bioprocesses, cultivation, and testing of biological acitivity of the products. Lately the group has focussed on antimicrobial, immunostimulatory and probiotic effects of the bacterium Zymomonas mobilis and its exopolysaccharide levan. General competencies include evaluation of antibacterial and antifungal activity, antibacterial synergy, cytotoxicity, anti-inflammatory, angiogenesis-regulating and immunomodulatory activities, including also several specific testing approaches developed for complex evaluation of biocompatibility of antimicrobial biomaterials (e.g. hydrogels, bioceramics)
We would like to participate with our expertise in projects concerning innovative solutions to tackle antibiotic resistance. Novel strategies of treatment of skin infections, as well as applications of probiotics would be of special interest.
Submitted on 2022-02-07 11:16:05
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