JPIAMR 2022 Call Partner Search Tool

This is a match-making section for JPIAMR Network Call - Diagnostics and Surveillance Networks.

General Information

  • Type: Partner looking for network
  • Organisation: ICMR-National Institute of Epidemiology
  • Country: India (IN)
  • Career stage: Other.

Research area

  • Scientific area(s) of the call:
    1. Surveillance
    2. Diagnostics
  • Focal area(s):

    • Identify actions that will improve the diagnostics and surveillance of AMR (in humans and/or animals and/or agriculture and the environment).
    • Identify actions needed to support the development of new tools, technologies and systems for diagnosis and surveillance.
    • Identify novel or existing data platforms that can be developed or improved to aid international alignment and support the use of surveillance data and/or diagnostics to improve prescription of narrow-spectrum antimicrobials and support alignment with stewardship programmes.
    • Identify or assess user needs for tools, technologies, or systems for diagnostics and/or surveillance in appropriate One Health settings.
    • Identify the data collection needed to understand inequality in access to diagnostics and how socio-economic factors contribute to this inequality.

  • One Health Setting:

    Human Health Animal Health Environment

  • Keywords:

    antimicrobial resistance; One Health approach surveilance; Diagnostics;

  • Brief description of your expertise / expertise you are looking for:

    I joined as Scientist-D at the ICMR-National Institute of Epidemiology, Chennai as on 01.09.2015 and promoted to Scientist-E as on 01.09.2021. I have been working in the field of infectious diseases epidemiology, focused on disease surveillance, laboratory diagnosis and molecular epidemiology of tropical diseases with reference to Leptospirosis among acute febrile illness cases attending the government healthcare facilities in Chennai. Similarly, from the hospitalized Acute diarrheal diseases cases, bacterial etiologies and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) were studied extensively from the Communicable Diseases hospital, at Greater Chennai Corporation. The National AIDS Control Organization (NACO), Government of India funding study entitled “HIV Sentinel Surveillance” among pregnant women attending the antenatal clinics (ANCs) in the designated sentinel sites in seven states i.e., Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Odisha. HIV sentinel surveillance among high risk-group populations due to their risky sexual behaviors in the community viz. Female sex workers (FSW), Men having sex with men (MSM), Injecting drug users (IDU), Transgender/Hijras (TG/H), Long-distance truckers (LDT), Single male migrants (SMM) and Prisoners in 7 states mentioned above. As part of differential diagnosis, we have also screened AFI cases for the prevalence of vector-borne diseases such as Dengue, Malaria, and Scrub typhus at Chennai from two taluk hospitals in Poonamalle Health Unit district. I am very much interested to work in the field of diagnostics, research and development. My research project entitled “Developing a rapid immunochromatographic card test assay” is in-principle approved and sanctioned for funding under the prestigious ICMR Medical Innovation Fund (MIF). Recently, I had successfully completed an international joint research project entitled “Molecular epidemiological study on drug resistance of diarrheagenic gram-negative bacteria in Chennai, India” under the prestigious Indo-Japan bilateral research collaborative study between India and Japan under the DST-JSPS India-Japan Cooperative Science program (IJCSP) working on gram negative Enterobacteriaceae from the hospitalized diarrheic cases in Chennai and to characterize the antimicrobial resistance pattern among major bacterial etiologies. Another research study on molecular characterization of leptospires isolated from fever-case-patients (60 isolates) is approved for funding from ICMR Extramural research grant, which was selected for the Research Methodology workshop (South zone) for Young and Middle level Scientists/Researchers working in Medical colleges/research institutions in India.

  • Brief description of your project / the project you would like to join:

    I would like to join the network to get involved in surveillance of antimicrobial resistance among hospitalised diarrheic cases in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, with special reference to Gram negative Enterobacteriaceae.

Contact details

Balasubramanian Ganesh

Submitted on 2022-05-17 14:08:35

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