QuantERA Programme

QuantERA is a European Research Area Network (ERA-NET) Cofund Programme in the field of Quantum Technologies (QT), focused on leading calls for proposals for excellent transnational research projects in Europe.

Since 2016, the QuantERA network has been successfully providing the QT research community with a coordinated, Europe-wide approach to supporting cutting-edge research and innovation in QT. QuantERA answers the growing need for collaborative endeavours and common funding schemes in the field of Quantum Technology research in Europe, which due to its highly interdisciplinary nature cannot be confined to an individual institution or state. Through coordination of national and regional research funding programmes, QuantERA avoids the problem of fragmentation of national efforts, encouraging transnational collaborations and leveraging Europe’s competitive advantage in the field of QT.

The QuantERA Programme is coordinated by the National Science Centre and connects 39 Research Funding Agencies from 31 countries.

Official website of QuantERA


QuantERA Call 2021 – ongoing evaluation

The National Science Centre, in cooperation with QuantERA II ERA-Net Cofund, hereby announces the QuantERA call 2021 addressed at the Polish researchers for international research projects in quantum technologies covering:

  • Quantum Phenomena and Resources
  • Applied Quantum Science.

Funding proposals may be submitted by international consortia composed of at least 3 research teams from 3 countries participating in the call. The principal investigator of the Polish research team must hold at least a PhD degree.


Countries participating in the call:

Austria (FWF, FFG)Hungary (NKFIH) Portugal (FCT)
Belgium (F.R.S.-FNRS, FWO)Ireland (SFI)Romania (UEFISCDI)
Bulgaria (BNSF)Israel (Innovation Auth)Slovakia (SAS)
Croatia (HRZZ)Italy (CNR, MUR, INFN)Slovenia (MIZS)
Czech Republic (MEYS, TA CR)Latvia (VIAA)Spain (AEI) 
Denmark (IFD)Lithuania (RCL)Sweden (VR)
Estonia (ETAg)Luxembourg (FNRS)Switzerland (SNSF)
Finland (AKA)Malta (MFIN)Turkey (TUBITAK)
France (ANR)Norway (RCN) 
Germany (DFG, BMBF/VDI-TZ)Poland (NCBR, NCN) 

In order to facilitate the formation of research consortia, applicants can use a partner search tool available here as projects looking for partners or partners looking for projects.


In the QuantERA Call 2021, funds may be requested to cover salaries for members of the research team, remuneration and scholarships for students and PhD students, purchase or construction of research equipment and for other costs crucial to a research project.

The NCN has allocated 1,000,000 EUR for research tasks to be performed by the Polish research teams in research projects to be performed by the Polish research teams under the QuantERA Call 2021.


The application procedure comprises two stages:

  • First stage
    • International level: a pre-proposal is prepared by the Polish research teams in cooperation with the international partners (in English) and submitted by the Project Leader on behalf of the international consortium.

At this stage, Polish applicants submit no documents to the NCN.

  • Second stage
    • International level: a full proposal is prepared by the Polish research teams in cooperation with the international partners (in English) and submitted by the Project Leader on behalf of the international consortium.
    • National level: an NCN proposal concerning the Polish part of the project is prepared by the Polish research team and submitted to the NCN electronically via the ZSUN/OSF electronic submission system within 7 days of the submission deadline for joint full proposals (international level).

Please read the NCN proposal submission procedure.

Call Timeline:

  • Submission deadline for pre-proposals: 13 May 2021 (5 p.m. CET)
  • Information on proposals shortlisted for the second stage of the call: July 2021  
  • Submission deadline for full proposals: 15 September 2021 (5 p.m. CET)
  • Call results: December 2021

Read the call announcement and call documents.




The launch of each call for proposals is complemented by a range of additional activities:

  • Supporting responsible research and innovation in Quantum Technologies

    Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is an approach used to describe scientific research and technological development processes that take into account effects and potential impacts on the environment and society. QuantERA raises awareness on potential RRI issues with regards to the Quantum Technologies (QT) scientific community and the public at large and to develop a framework on RRI implications for this field.

    Guidelines in Responsible Research and Innovation in Quantum Technologies

  • Mapping Public Policies in Quantum Technologies in Europe

    The QuantERA Consortium set out to describe the existing national public policies in Quantum Technologies as well as the funding instruments and priorities. The results of the inventory will support the advancement of the QuantERA programme and the further development of the European Quantum Technology Flagship.

    Report on Public Policies in Quantum Technologies in Europe (2020)

  • Creating and maintaining links between academia and industry

    In cooperation with the European Quantum Technology Flagship, QuantERA is working to bring together academic and industrial science and engineering endeavours in QT and its applications, developing guidance for action for industry, academia and the public sector to help speed up knowledge and technology transfer to put quantum technologies into everyday use.

    Guidance on industry engagement for the public sector

  • Spreading Excellence

    QuantERA aims at spreading research excellence across the European Research Area (ERA) by encouraging consortia to include partners from the widening countries participating in the network: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey.

More information can be found on the QuantERA website..


With the support of QT researchers and industry representatives, the QuantERA Network acts synergistically towards a collective goal of reinforcing European scientific leadership in the field of Quantum Technologies.

  • QuantERA Strategic Advisory Board

    The Strategic Advisory Board (SAB) consists of 12 prominent researchers from the fields of quantum technologies and representatives of industry. SAB provides advice on matters such as: the thematic scope of the QuantERA Calls and potential future funding actions; the scientific aspects of QuantERA activities such as outreach or cooperation with non-European countries; new developments and issues related to research in QT that may have a strategic impact on Programme activities.

  • QuantERA Partners

    Our network of national and regional Research Funding Organisations spans over 31 countries. Through coordination funding programmes QuantERA avoids the problem of fragmentation of national efforts, encouraging transnational collaborations and leveraging Europe’s competitive advantage.


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