GRIEG: Polish-Norwegian research projects

GRIEG is one of the three calls funded from the Norway and EEA Grants 2014–2021 under the Basic Research Programme operated by the National Science Centre. The objective of the programme is enhanced research-based knowledge development, to strengthen the Polish-Norwegian research cooperation, improve the quality of publications (especially in humanities), support the development of young researchers and build a positive perception of scientific research among the public at large.

Call results

Addresses of the call

GRIEG is the call for research projects to be carried out jointly by Polish and Norwegian research teams, consisting of at least one Polish partner acting as the partnership leader and at least one Norwegian partner. A scientist with at least a doctorate degree employed by a Polish research institution will act as the principal investigator in a project implemented under the GRIEG call. The Norwegian part of the research team will be led by a research organisation. Partnerships may include research institutions, enterprises, and NGOs.

Thematic scope

GRIEG covers all areas of fundamental science (NCN discipline panels). Research groups within polar research and social science research are particularly encouraged to submit proposals to this call.


The GRIEG call is funded from the Norway grants under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021. The call budget is over EUR 37m. The requested funding for the entire Polish-Norwegian project must be between EUR 0.5m and EUR 1.5m. The grant can be used to finance the costs of remuneration and scholarships for the research team, purchase of equipment, materials and services, costs of trips and conferences as well as other project-related costs. The amount of indirect costs is 25% of the funds applied for in the project, including the purchased equipment, with the exception of subcontracting costs. The eligibility of the incurred expenses expires on 30 April 2024.

Project duration

Projects may last either 24 or 36 months. In justified cases, the project implementation period may be extended up to 12 months, however no longer than by 30 April 2024.

Evaluation of proposals

Proposals submitted to all NCN discipline panels will be evaluated by international expert panels. There will be three panels, one for each research domain (HS – Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, NZ – Life Sciences and ST – Physical Sciences and Engineering). Proposals cannot be evaluated by scientists from Poland or Norway. Each proposal is reviewed by three experts. The ranking lists of projects recommended for funding have to cover projects in the areas of polar research and social sciences. The final list of successful projects will be approved by the Programme Committee for Basic Research. The funding decision will be issued by the NCN Director.

Call schedule

  • Call announcement: 17 June 2019
  • Submission deadline: 28 October 2019*
  • Announcement of call results: information will be available in April 2020 
  • Contract signature: April – June 2020

*the deadline has been extended on 26 August 2019


dr Marzena Oliwkiewicz-Miklasińska, email:, tel. +48 12 341 9151