We now know the results of the GRIEG call for Polish-Norwegian research projects

Monday, 27 April 2020

The National Science Centre has concluded the GRIEG call co-funded from Norway grants. Over PLN 156 million will be awarded to Polish-Norwegian research teams to fund basic research. 

Over 305 proposals were submitted under the call for a total of over PLN 1.6 billion. Experts recommended 28 of them for funding: 12 in Physical Sciences and Engineering (ST), 8 in Life Sciences (NZ) and 8 in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (HS). Research teams will be awarded a total of PLN 156,015,144, of which 85% will be funded under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014–2021 and 15% from domestic funds. GRIEG covers all academic disciplines defined in the NCN panels, with particular focus on polar research and social sciences. The ranking lists of projects recommended for funding include 6 projects in polar sciences and eight in social sciences. 

Pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding on the Implementation of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism we must fund projects in polar research and social sciences. However, the Programme Committee decided not to award additional points to projects submitted in those disciplines, which is why good performance of research teams from these areas in fair competition with teams from other areas should be particularly appreciated” says Professor Zbigniew Błocki, NCN Director.

The proposals were evaluated by international expert panels. Three expert panels were appointed for each research domain (HS, NZ, ST), with researchers from Poland and Norway not permitted to evaluate the proposals. Each research project was evaluated by three experts. The final list of the winning projects was approved by the “Basic Research” Programme Committee and the funding decision was issued by the NCN Director.

GRIEG is a call for research projects carried out jointly by research teams from Poland and Norway. Research teams must include at least one Polish partner acting as the partnership leader and at least one Norwegian partner. The principal investigator for a project carried out under the GRIEG call must be at least a PhD holder employed by a Polish research institution, whereas the leader of the Norwegian part of the research team must be a research organisation. Partnerships may include research organisations, enterprises and non-governmental organisations. Under the GRIEG call for proposals, projects must be carried out over either 24 or 36 months.

GRIEG is one of the three calls for proposals funded under the third edition of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021 under the “Research” Programme, with NCN acting as the Programme Operator in charge of basic research. The aim of the “Research” Programme with an allocated budget of more than EUR 129 million is to support Polish research and enhance cooperation between science, business and society. 40% of the funds is designated to support basic research.

List of projects qualified for funding