POLONEZ 1 web chat

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

We are pleased to invite all researchers interested in applying for the POLONEZ 1 fellowship for a web chat in English. It will be held on the 15th October 2015 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m at https://ncn.clickmeeting.com/polonez. »

Names of the 2015 laureates of the National Science Centre Award announced

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Piotr Śniady, Wiesław Babik and Michał Bilewicz became the awardees of the 2015 National Science Centre (NCN) Award. Each will receive ca. EUR 12 000 for their respective outstanding research achievements. »

POLONEZ 1 submission system is now open

Monday, 28 September 2015

We would like to inform all researchers interested in applying for POLONEZ 1 fellowship that the OSF electronic submission system is now open. The deadline for submitting applications is 15th December 2015. »

POLONEZ 1 – invitation to participate in a POLONEZ 1 info chat

Friday, 25 September 2015

We are pleased to invite researchers interested in applying for the POLONEZ 1 fellowship for a web chat in English, that will be held on the 15th October 2015 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. During the chat we would be happy to answer all questions regarding the call documentation, the submission system, etc. »

POLONEZ 1 submission system

Friday, 18 September 2015

We would like to inform all applicants interested in applying for the POLONEZ 1 fellowship that the electronic submission system will be opened in the next few days. A delay in opening the system occurred due to the fact that the resolution concerning the granting of state aid, issued by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education has only just been adopted on the 14th of September. In order to enable institutions who benefit from state aid to participate in POLONEZ 1, NCN must introduce the necessary changes in the submission system. »

PLN 280 million for scientific research

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

The National Science Centre opened its tenth call for proposals within the OPUS, PRELUDIUM and SONATA funding schemes with a financing pool totaling PLN 240 million. The NCN also launched its first call for proposals within the POLONEZ funding scheme targeted at researchers from abroad who want to carry out research in Polish institutions. This funding scheme was allocated as much as PLN 40 million. »

POLONEZ 1 pre-annoucement

Friday, 31 July 2015

The National Science Centre invites researchers to submit proposals under POLONEZ 1 funding opportunity addressed to incoming researchers  who would like to carry out basic research in host institutions in Poland. Proposals must be submitted in English via OSF submission system. Access to the system will be available on the 15th of September 2015. »
