The NCN to finance new projects in basic research

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Recently concluded OPUS 7, PRELUDIUM 7 & SONATA 7 calls contribute over € 67 million to basic research in Poland.

In response to the three calls, the NCN received over 5,000 proposals, of which 715 have qualified for funding. »

Polish doctors’ success in treating paralysed patient

Friday, 24 October 2014

We are extremely happy to join in congratulating a team of doctors from Wroclaw Medical University. Thanks to the pioneering course of treatment they administered to a 40-year-old patient whose spinal cord had been severed, the man could resume walking with the help of orthopaedic equipment. »

HERA Matchmaking Event "Uses of the Past"

Friday, 17 October 2014

The HERA (“Humanities in the European Research Area”) Network invites researchers to apply for the participation in the “Uses of the Past – Matchmaking Event” taking place in Tallinn on 29 January 2015.The aim of the Matchmaking Event is to present the Call for transnational humanities-led research proposals under the theme “Uses of the Past” to be formally announced in January 2015 and to facilitate the building of international research partnerships. »

CHIST-ERA: A New Opportunity in Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies (ICST)

Friday, 17 October 2014

The National Science Centre and the CHIST-ERA consortium invite researchers to a new edition of the call for international research projects. Topics of the 2014 opportunity are: Resilient Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems (RTCPS) and Human Language Understanding: Grounding Language Learning (HLU). »

National Science Centre 2014 Award Ceremony

Monday, 13 October 2014

Professors Janusz Bujnicki, Michał Horodecki and Marcin Miłkowski received the National Science Centre (NCN) 2014 Award. Each will receive PLN 50,000 in recognition of their excellent research achievements. »

Project results of NCN grantees published in Nature journal

Monday, 13 October 2014

In a recent issue of Nature, the BOREXINO experiment team, including  prof. Marcin Wójcik, dr Marcin Misiaszek & dr Grzegorz Zuzel from Jagiellonian University’s Faculty of Physics, published an article reporting direct observations of neutrinos from the first step of the proton-proton fusion process in the Sun. Direct detection of pp neutrinos is confirmation of physicists’ main theoretical models describing the Sun and its energy origins. »

CHIST-ERA Call 2014 Pre-announcement

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

The Call 2014 of CHIST-ERA, to be published in October 2014, targets research in the following topics:

  1. Resilient Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems (RTCPS);
  2. Human Language Understanding: Grounding Language Learning (HLU).
