The National Science Centre announces new calls and invites you to TANGO

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

The National Science Centre has opened new calls for proposals under the SONATA, ETIUDA and FUGA funding schemes, including the debut call under the TANGO funding opportunity organised in cooperation with the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR). The aim of this joint initiative is to present researchers with a comprehensive opportunity to apply the results of basic research, for the benefit of the economy and society.  The sum of resources allocated in all four funding opportunities amounts to PLN 105 million. »

Almost €57 M available for Polish scientists

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

We are pleased to announce the launch of new NCN funding opportunities:

  • PRELUDIUM – for pre-doctoral researchers starting their career in research,
  • OPUS – for a wide range of applicants at every stage of their research career,
  • SONATA – targeted at emerging researchers with up to 5 years scientific experience since their PhD award.

NORFACE Management Team meeting in Krakow

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

In the last week of August, the National Science Centre hosted a meeting of NORFACE consortium representatives. During the two-day visit to Krakow, members of the Management Team, representing 13 European research funding agencies, discussed the evaluation process of projects submitted under the Welfare State Futures (WSF) funding opportunity and the future of the network. During the meeting NORFACE network members also talked about research projects selected under the NORFACE  Migration in Europe: Social, Economic, Cultural and policy dynamics call for proposals. For more information please click here: http://www.norface.net/program_pagina.asp?id=522. »

NCN Director at meeting of the Science Europe Governing Board Search Committee

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

On 11th September 2013 the NCN Director took part in a meeting of the Science Europe Governing Board Search Committee held in Munich, Germany. Science Europe (SE) is an association of European Research Funding Organisations (RFO) and Research Performing Organisations (RPO), based in Brussels. The task of the Search Committee is to propose a slate of candidates to the SE Governing Board, including the presidency and vice-presidency positions. »

Director of the NCN meets the president of the Max Planck Society

Friday, 26 July 2013

On Thursday, 25th July, Prof. Andrzej Jajszczyk, Director of the National Science Centre met with the President of the Max Planck Society, Prof. Peter Gruss. The meeting, which took place in Warsaw, was arranged by the Foundation for Polish Science. Present at the meeting were also Prof. Maciej Żylicz, the President of the foundation, Prof. Krzysztof Kurzydłowski, Director of the National Centre for Research and Development, Prof. Robert Hołyst, Director of the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Prof. »

Representatives from Chinese Embassy in Krakow

Thursday, 25 July 2013

On the 18th of July the NCN hosted a visit from the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Poland. During the meeting the NCN Director Prof. Andrzej Jajszczyk, Counseller for Science and Technology Dr Ye Xiangdong and Shao Yinghong talked about the Polish and Chinese research funding system, as well as NCN’s funding portfolio. During their visit to Krakow the guests had an opportunity to visit the Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics  and Biotechnology of Jagiellonian University. Prof. »

NCN Open Day

Monday, 17 June 2013

National Science Centre Open Day on the 8th and 9th May, academic and cultural institutions of the Śląsk (Upper Silesia) region hosted the first edition of the event entitled National Science Centre Open Day. This event was intended as an opportunity for both researchers and administrative and finance staff from universities and research institutions, to familiarise themselves  – through workshops and meetings – with the system of research funding at the NCN. »
