Ceremonial opening of the National Science Centre in Kraków

Friday, 4 March 2011

On 4 March Professor Barbara Kudrycka, Minister of Science and Higher Education, officially opened the National Science Centre. During the ceremony the minister appointed Professor Andrzej Jajszczyk as director of the Centre, who had previously been recommended for this position by the Council of the National Science Centre.

The event also featured Prime Minister Donald Tusk, who stressed that the emergence of the NCN is an important step for the development of Polish science: “It’s a very ambitious project, which is expressed not only by faith in the power of science, but also the belief that science has a chance, when the sphere of freedom and independence is constantly extended, when central government oversight is reduced,” he said.

The role of the National Science Centre is the delegation of funding for research projects in basic research. The decision to whom the money will go to will depend on academics rather than politicians. “It’s springtime for Polish science. I am glad that it will flourish in Kraków, the home of so many notable intellectuals,” emphasised Minister Barbara Kudrycka.