Success of Polish researchers in the CHIST-ERA Call 2017

Monday, 29 October 2018

We are pleased to announce that two projects involving researchers from Poland have been awarded funding within the CHIST-ERA Call 2017. Within this funding opportunity over EUR 12 million have been granted to 14 research projects in the following topics:

  • Object recognition and manipulation by robots: Data sharing and experiment reproducibility
  • Big data and process modelling for smart industry

Polish researchers will be involved in the following 2 of 14 awarded projects:

  • PACMEL: Process-aware Analytics Support based on Conceptual Models for Event Logs, which will be coordinated by dr hab. inż. Grzegorz Jacek Nalepa (the leader of the international consortium) from the AGH University of Science and Technology. The project will involve research teams from Poland, Spain and Italy.
  • BIG-SMART-LOG: The Use of Big Data Analytics for Process Modelling in Smart Logistics Operations, which will involve a Polish research team led by dr Paweł Karczmarek from the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin in cooperation with partners from Greece, Romania and Turkey.

Complete list of the CHIST-ERA Call 2017 projects recommended for funding

We would also like to take this opportunity to invite all researchers to participate in the new CHIST-ERA Call 2018 targeting the following topics:

  • Analog Computing for Artificial Intelligence
  • Smart Distribution of Computing in Dynamic Networks

Deadline for submitting applications is scheduled for January 15th, 2019.

More information about the CHIST-ERA Call 2018.
