The GRIEG and IdeaLab information meeting

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

On 8 July, Kraków hosted an information meeting devoted to the GRIEG and IdeaLab calls announced by the National Science Centre within the framework of the 3rd edition of the EEA and Norway Grants. The first part of the session covered the process of submitting proposals in the GRIEG call and cost eligibility rules in all calls launched by the NCN within the framework of the EEA and Norway Grants.

The second part was devoted to the innovative IdeaLab “Managing Threats” call, which is currently recruiting participants for the IdeaLab workshop. A major part of the meeting was dedicated to the agenda of the workshop itself, which constitutes the most important element of the call procedure. Its objective is to come up with research ideas that would be eligible for funding under the IdeaLab call. The topics of the call concerned the challenges arising from the complex processes of our times, such as globalisation, technological change, issues of the environment and climate change, demographic change, waves of migration and geopolitical instability. The meeting was held at the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences in Kraków and attracted over 100 attendees from all over Poland.

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