Research Components funded by the NCN under the “NAWA Chair Programme (1st edition)” launched by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) – third ranking list
We have published the third ranking list under the call for proposals for funding of Research Components in projects funded under the “NAWA Chair Programme (1st edition)” launched by the NAWA. One project was found eligible and recommended for funding.
The winning project by Professor Emilian Kavalski (“Promoting Order in the Period of Turbulence”) will be carried out at the Faculty of International and Political Studies of the Jagiellonian University.
The “NAWA Chair Programme (1st edition)” was launched by the NAWA on 1 June 2020. The objective of the NAWA Chair programme is to support outstanding scientific and research as well as teaching activity of Polish scientific entities by inviting world-class foreign scientists to participate in those activities. The first edition of the call was addressed at researchers who carry out research in the areas of humanities as well as social and theological sciences. Proposals could have covered basic Research Components funded by the NCN.
The NAWA evaluation team has selected five projects containing a Research Component. Before starting the projects, the researchers whose projects contained a Research Component must submit a proposal for NCN funding of such projects under the call. Their proposals will be subject to an NCN eligibility check only. The eligibility check will be carried out on a continuous basis until the last proposal containing a Research Component funded under the “NAWA Chair Programme (1st edition)”, is submitted to the NCN.