Announcement of the call for proposals – BEETHOVEN LIFE 1

Announcement of the terms and regulations regarding the mode of granting funds for the completion of tasks carried out by Polish research teams and funded by the National Science Centre under the BEETHOVEN LIFE 1 call for proposals for Polish-German research projects in Life Sciences.

Pursuant to Article 25(1) of the Act of 30th April 2010 on the National Science Centre (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 947) and to the NCN Council Resolution No. 81/2018 of 6th September 2018, as well as based on the Memorandum of Understanding between the National Science Centre (NCN) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) concluded on 2nd June 2016, the Scientific Coordinators announce the BEETHOVEN LIFE 1 call for proposals for Polish-German research projects in Life Sciences.

In this call, DFG will act as the lead agency, i.e. assessment of all applications will be made by the DFG according to its rules for the individual research grants programme.

The announcement sets the rules for the granting of funds for research tasks carried out by Polish research teams in the framework of Polish-German research projects. The procedure for granting financial resources for tasks implemented by German teams in Polish-German research projects is subject to the rules set by the DFG.

  • Submission of the proposals is open till 17th December 2018
  • Proposals within the BEETHOVEN LIFE 1 call can be submitted only electronically via electronic submission system ZSUN/OSF (

BEETHOVEN LIFE 1 – call documents:

Important information

The principal investigator is bound to carry out research activities at the host institution for the project for at least 50 per cent of the project’s duration. This period includes business trips necessary for the project’s completion, in particular ones connected with field studies, participation in scientific conferences or library and archive searches.