Announcement of the call for proposals – HARMONIA 10

15 June 2018

Pursuant to Article 25 § 1 (2) of the Act of 30th April 2010 in the National Science Centre (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 947) as well as to the NCN Council Resolution No. 50/2018 of 7th June 2018, the Scientific Coordinators announce the call for proposals for applicants wanting to carry out international projects which are not co-financed from foreign sources. 

Submission of the proposals is open until the 17th of September 2018.

HARMONIA 10 – Call documents

  1. Resolution by the Council of the NCN on the terms of conducting the call for proposals HARMONIA 10 – text
  2. Data required in the research project proposal and its annexes – text
  3. Regulations on the mode of granting financial resources for the completion of tasks funded by the NCN – text
    • Principles of evaluating proposals submitted under the call for proposals, including purchase or construction of research equipment necessary for their completion – “HARMONIA 10” (Annex No. 1/ I of the Regulations) – text
    • Types of costs in research projects funded by NCN (Annex no 4 of the Regulations) – text
  4. NCN Panels – text
  5. The Code of the National Science Centre on Research Integrity and Applying for Research Financing – text
  6. Council of the National Science Centre’s Recommendations for Studies Involving Human Participation – text
  7. Regulations on awarding scholarships in NCN-funded research projects – text

HARMONIA 10 – important changes in the call documentation

  • Short project description – short project description must be written in English only.
  • Abstract – abstract must be written in English only.

We encourage you to read the details of the call documentation.