Announcement of the call for proposals – MAESTRO 10

15 March 2018

Pursuant to Article 25 § 1 (2) of the Act of 30th April 2010 in the National Science Centre (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 947) as well as to the NCN Council Resolution No. 49/2018 of 7th June 2018, the Scientific Coordinators announce the call for proposals for advanced researchers wanting to conduct pioneering research, including interdisciplinary research important for the development of science. Projects within this  funding  scheme  should  surpass  the  current  state  of knowledge, lead to the creation of new paradigms, or forge pathways to new frontiers in the field.

Submission of the proposals is open until the 17th of September 2018.

MAESTRO 10 – Call documents

  1. Resolution by the Council of the NCN on the terms of conducting the call for proposals MAESTRO 10 – text
  2. Data required in the research project proposal and its annexes – text
  3. Regulations on the mode of granting financial resources for the completion of tasks funded by the NCN – text
    • Principles of evaluating proposals submitted under the call for proposals, including purchase or construction of research equipment necessary for their completion – “MAESTRO 10.” (Annex No. 1/ I of the Regulations) – text
    • Types of costs in research projects funded by NCN (Annex no 4 of the Regulations) – text
  4. NCN Panels – text
  5. The Code of the National Science Centre on Research Integrity and Applying for Research Financing – text
  6. Council of the National Science Centre’s Recommendations for Studies Involving Human Participation – text
  7. Regulations on awarding scholarships in NCN-funded research projects – text

MAESTRO – important changes in the call documentation

  • Short project description – short project description must be written in English only.
  • Abstract – abstract must be written in English only.
  • The interviews at the second stage of evaluation will be conducted in English - January / February 2019.

We encourage you to read the details of the call documentation.