For POLONEZ grantees


Model fellowship agreement between the NCN, POLONEZ Host Institution and POLONEZ Fellow must be filled in the OSF submission system, signed by the POLONEZ Fellow and the Host Institution, and then sent to the NCN both electronically and via post.

These two documents are addressed to researchers as well as to employers and funders in both public and private sectors.

The European Charter for Researchers addresses the roles, responsibilities and entitlements of researchers and their employers or funding organisations. It aims at ensuring that the relationship between these parties contributes to successful performance in the generation, transfer and sharing of knowledge, and to the career development of researchers.

The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers aims to improve recruitment, to make selection procedures fairer and more transparent and proposes different means of judging merit. Merit should not just be measured on the number of publications but on a wider range of evaluation criteria, such as teaching, supervision, teamwork, knowledge transfer, management and public awareness activities.


The National Science Centre  carries out audits in Host Institutions according to the Directive of the National Science Centre no. 1/2016.

The European Commission (EC) is also obliged to carry out audits in Host Institutions according to the Grant Agreement (no 66578 – POLONEZ) signed between the NCN and the EC. For more information please see: POLONEZ Grant Agreement (article 22).


According to the agreement between the NCN and European Commission (EC), POLONEZ fellows should carry out their research in compliance with ethical principles and applicable international, EU and national law.

For more information please see:

You are strongly recommended to familiarize yourself with the following documents:


Please see also documents recommended by the European Commission. Some of this information is addressed to applicants of EU framework programmes, but the regulations included in these documents refer also to beneficiaries of EU programmes.



Please note that the researchers are not obliged to complete the same self-assessment table, but they need to comply with the rules/ norms specific to each ethical issue relevant for their project.

IMPORTANT NOTE: In case of general and domain-specific guidance documents, although some of the documents refer to FP7 they remain valid for Horizon 2020 programme.


For questions, contact the European Commission’s Ethics Review Helpdesk (select subject 13. Ethics in the enquiry form) at




In any publications, devices/equipment and communication activities related to the POLONEZ project, POLONEZ fellows and host institutions must include information about project’s funding source.

Please see: POLONEZ Grant Agreement, paragraph 6.

In publications and studies produced as a result of POLONEZ project, the fellows must include:

  1. full name of the Centre in Polish („Narodowe Centrum Nauki”) or in English („National Science Centre, Poland”) and the fellowship registration number (e.g. 2010/14/P/HS2/00426);
  2. the EU logo and the following information:

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 665778.

If the EU emblem is placed together with another logo, the EU emblem must have appropriate prominence.

Publications which do not meet all the foregoing conditions will not be treated as the effect of the Fellowship and will be disregarded in Fellowship settlement.

The Host Institution and the Fellow must also mark the devices/equipment purchased or produced within the Fellowship with:

  • the logo of the Centre and the full name of the Centre in Polish – “Narodowe Centrum Nauki” or in English – “National Science Centre, Poland” adding the correct Fellowship registration number and
  • the EU logo and the following information:

This equipment is part of a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 665778.


POLONEZ grantees are obliged to launch a website publishing information related to the course of the project, within 6 months from the fellowship starting date (please see POLONEZ Grant Agreement paragraph 2 (2g)) along with the information about the Fellowship funding sources (more information: FUNDING SOURCES).


POLONEZ Host Institution and the Fellow are obliged to submit reports to the NCN based on POLONEZ Fellowship Agreement, paragraphs 8 and 9.

  1. If the Fellowship lasts 24 months, the Fellow and the Host institution must submit to the Centre:
    • an annual report within 60 days of the end of the fellowship’s first 12 months;
    • a final report within 60 days of the fellowship end date.
  2. If the Fellowship lasts 12 months, the Fellow and the Host institution submit to the Centre a final report within 60 days of the fellowship end date.

Annual report

An annual report is used to monitor project’s progress. The evaluation of the report by the NCN Programme Officer is not a final assessment of the project – all expenses and issues related to the implementation of the project are assessed by the Team of Experts as part of the final report procedure. Therefore, the acceptance of the annual report does not constitute the final settlement of a given stage of the project implementation.

Please download the report template and guidelines:



The completed report should be printed out, signed and stamped in places indicated and sent to the Centre by traditional post or delivered in person. The printout of the report should be accompanied by its electronic version in PDF saved on a CD/DVD.

The annual report is considered to be submitted on time if it has been received by the Centre or postmarked  within 60 days of the end of the fellowship’s first 12 months. Only one signed copy of the annual report is required.

The CD / DVD should include PDF files containing the full versions of publications for which no links or DOI addresses were provided in the report. Please, do not attach printouts of the publications to the hard copy of the annual report.

Final report

The final report should be submitted in an electronic version via the ZSUN/OSF submission system and in the hard copy. The hard copy  should be printed out from the ZSUN/OSF system, signed and stamped in places indicated and sent to the Centre by traditional post or delivered in person.

The final report is considered to be submitted on time if it has been received by the Centre or postmarked  within 60 days of the fellowship’s end date. Only one signed copy of the final report is required.

The template and instructions for completing the final report can be downloaded from the ZSUN/OSF system starting from 30 days before the planned project completion date. You can also download the instructions from the link below:


The electronic version of the report in the ZSUN/OSF system includes a separate PUBLICATIONS Tab in the upper left corner of the reporting screen. Use this tab to upload full text of publications for which no links or DOI addresses were provided in the report. Please, do not attach printouts to the paper version of the report.

In case of any problems or questions please contact NCN by mail at  or by phone: Jolanta Palowska +48 12 341 9139.

NATIONAL CONTACT POINT – legal and administrative issues

POLONEZ 1 and 2 documentation


Jolanta Palowska

tel. +48 12 341 9139

Joanna Komperda

tel. +48 12 341 9138

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 665778.