In 2012 the NCN joined Infect-ERA (ERA-NET on human infectious diseases), network of agencies funding research in European countries. The Infect-ERA consortium inspires international cooperation in the research of infectious diseases through transnational calls, supporting young researchers and gathering the relevant information on funding and infrastructures related to infectious diseases. Infect-ERA also strives to disseminate the results of its activities both to scientists and the public.
Calls for proposals
The host-pathogen interaction in regards to clinically relevant strains and the assessment of factors influencing this interplay; Diagnostics based on components of host-pathogen interaction, including development of markers for a clinical and personalized setting and detection of high risk clones in various diseases (closed)
The following themes are covered (equal in relevance):
- The host-pathogen interaction in regards to clinically relevant strains and the assessment of factors influencing this interplay.
- Diagnostics based on components of host-pathogen interaction, including development of markers for a clinical and personalized setting and detection of high risk clones in various diseases.
Proposals with topics HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B/C, malaria and tuberculosis are not in the scope of the call.
Research team: composed of research teams from at least 3, but no more than 6, countries participating in the call
Countries participating in the call:
- Belgium
- France
- Germany
- Hungary
- India
- Italy
- Israel
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Spain
Project duration: up to 3 years
NCN budget for the call: € 500 000
Pre-proposal application deadline: 18th of March 2015 (17:00, CET)
Full proposals application deadline: 17th of July 2015 (17:00, CET)
Final results: December 2015
Proposals should be submitted via Infect-ERA submission system:
Polish applicants should also submit a short application via OSF system: (UNISONO application). Deadline: 25th March 2015.
Budget of the Polish part of the research project in the OSF system should be given in PLN. The Euro exchange rate should be calculated according to the NCN Council’s Resolutions no 7/2013 and 73/2014 (1 EUR= 4,1935 PLN).
Call documents:
- Infect-ERA Call 2015 Call Text 3rd Call
- Infect-ERA Call 2015 Guidelines for Applicants
- Infect-ERA Call 2015 PreProposal Example and Hints
For more information please click here:
Applicants are also invited to use a partnering tool ( in order to search partners for Infect-ERA projects.
Assess the role of commensal flora in homeostasis and microbe’s pathogenicity, and elucidate how commensal organisms or probiotics can be used to prevent or treat infections; Development and application of new techniques to investigate the initial steps of the infection process (closed)
In this call, Infect-ERA aims to fund transnational and translational research, bringing together basic, applied, technology-driven and clinical research approaches of a broad variety of research topics regarding human infectious diseases. The call will enable multinational, collaborative research projects addressing specific topics of human infectious diseases caused by bacteria, virus, fungi or protozoa.
Research team: composed of research teams from at least 3 countries participating in the call
Countries participating in the call:
Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Israel, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden
Project duration: up to 3 years
NCN budget for the call: € 500 000
Pre-proposal application deadline: 2nd of April 2014
Full proposals application deadline: 4th of August 2014
Final results: September 2014
Call documents:
Call text:
Guidelines for applicants:
For more information please click here:
The microbes’ environment and infection including metabolism of microbes, molecular mechanisms and strategies of their pathogenicity; The host-microbe interaction, co-infection, microorganisms transmissibility and host susceptibility factors (closed)
In this call, Infect-ERA aims to fund transnational research, bringing together different research approaches of a broad variety of research topics regarding infectious diseases.
Research team: composed of research teams from at least 3 countries participating in the call
Countries participating in the call:
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden
Project duration: up to 3 years
NCN budget for the call: € 500 000
Application deadline: 3rd of September 2013
Final results: December 2013
Call documents:
National Eligibility Requirements
For more information please click here:
Marlena Wosiak, tel. 12 341 9093