The NCN is a member of CHIST-ERA III and CHIST-ERA IV (European Coordinated Research on Long-term Challenges in Information and Communication Sciences & Technologies) an ERA-NET Cofund consortia bringing together research funding organizations from European countries.

The CHIST-ERA network supports research in ICST (Information and Communication Science and Technologies) and finances international research projects that involve researchers from participating countries.

The National Science Centre joined the CHIST-ERA consortium in 2013.

Calls for proposals

Advanced Brain-Computer Interfaces for Novel Interactions; Towards Sustainable ICT (ongoing evaluation)

Explainable Machine Learning-based Artificial Intelligence; Novel Computational Approaches for Environmental Sustainability (closed)

The National Science Centre, in cooperation with the CHIST-ERA network, announces the call for international research projects in the area of:

  1. Explainable Machine Learning-based Artificial Intelligence,
  2. Novel Computational Approaches for Environmental Sustainability.


Funding proposals may be submitted by international consortia composed of at least 3 research teams from at least 3 countries participating in the call. The principal investigator of the Polish research team must hold at least a PhD degree.

Countries participating in the call: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Spain, Ireland, Israel, Canada (Québec), Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Switzerland, Sweden (first subject), Turkey, Hungary, United Kingdom (first subject) and Italy.

Application process:

  • International level: the Polish research team prepares a joint proposal in English in cooperation with its foreign partner and submits it via the ESS electronic submission system available on the programme’s website: CHIST-ERA;
  • national level: the Polish research team prepares an NCN proposal covering the Polish part of the project and submits it to the NCN via the ZSUN/OSF electronic submission system.

Call schedule:

International level (two stages)

  • I STAGE: 14 February 2020, (5:00 pm, CET) - submission deadline for short proposals, April 2020 - invitations to submitt full proposals
  • II STAGE: 2 July 2020, (5:00 pm, CET) - submission deadline for full proposals

National level:

  • 9 July 2020 - submission deadline for national applications NCN UNISONO, to be submitted by the Polish research team in ZSUN/OSF system (up to 7 days after the submission deadline for full proposals on international level)

Call results:

  • October 2020 - publication of the list of funded projects
  • 2020/2021 - start of the funded projects

In the CHIST-ERA Call 2019 funds may be awarded to cover remuneration for the research team, remuneration and scholarships for students and PhD students, purchase or construction of research equipment and for other costs crucial to the research project.

The total funds allocated by the NCN for the tasks to be performed by Polish research teams in the call amount to EUR 500,000.

Analog Computing for Artificial Intelligence (ACAI); Smart Distribution of Computing in Dynamic Networks (SDCDN) (closed)

CHIST-ERA Network is pleased to announce a new call in the field of Information and Communication Sciences & Technologies targeting the following topics:

  • Analog Computing for Artificial Intelligence (ACAI)
  • Smart Distribution of Computing in Dynamic Networks (SDCDN)

Electronic Submission System (ESS) for the CHIST-ERA Call 2018 will be published at

A two-stage application procedure (pre-proposals and full proposals) will be open for consortia composed of researchers from at least three countries participating in the CHIST-ERA Call 2018: Austria*, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada (Québec), Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom**.

*only within the first topic of this call (ACAI)

**only within the second topic of this call (SDCDN)

Call documents:

Draft timetable for applications:

  • Deadline for pre-proposal submission: 15th January 2019, 17.00 CET
  • Notification of accepted pre-proposals: March 2019
  • Deadline for full proposal submission: May 2019
  • Notification of accepted proposals: October 2019

CHIST-ERA projects have a duration of either 24 or 36 months.

All applicants are advised to check the relevant national eligibility criteria and requirements, as those provide important information, for instance on how to fill out the budget tables.

Applicants are invited to use the Partner Search Tool (available at ) which facilitates matches between potential partners with similar ideas. It provides the opportunity to express interest either in joining a research proposal or to search for partner(s) for an existing proposal.


Information for Polish applicants:

  1. We strongly encourage all applicants to read information on rules of participation and eligible costs included in the Annex to NCN Council’s Resolution on funding granted within calls for proposals for international research projects (UNISONO).
  2. On the full proposal stage Polish applicants must submit their national applications in the ZSUN/OSF submission system. The application will include a budget that should be calculated according to the Annex to NCN Council’s Resolution on funding granted within calls for proposals for international research projects (UNISONO).
  3. If one international project includes partners from two or more different Polish Host Institutions, these institutions apply as a group of projects. Each entity within the group has a separate budget, but the limit on the remuneration applies to the group as a whole (please see UNISONO). Please note that groups of projects have higher limits on the remuneration. 
  4. Projects including Polish teams may last 24 or 36 months.
  5. Budget of the Polish part of the research project in the ZSUN/OSF system should be given in PLN: 1 EUR= 4,2024 PLN.


Marlena Wosiak, + 48 12 341 9093

Object recognition and manipulation by robots: Data sharing and experiment reproducibility (ORMR); Big data and process modelling for smart industry (BDSI) (closed)

Call results

CHIST-ERA Network is pleased to announce a new call in the field of Information and Communication Sciences & Technologies targeting the following topics:

  • Object recognition and manipulation by robots: Data sharing and experiment reproducibility (ORMR)
  • Big data and process modelling for smart industry (BDSI)

Electronic Submission System (ESS) for the CHIST-ERA Call 2017 is available here:

A two-stage application procedure (pre-proposals and full proposals) will be open for consortia composed of researchers from at least three countries participating in CHIST-ERA Call 2017: Austria*, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada (Québec), Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece**, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom*.

*only within the first topic of this call (ORMR)

**only within the second topic of this call (BDSI)

Call documents:

Draft timetable for applications:

  • Deadline for pre-proposal submission: 11th January 2018, 17.00 CET
  • Notification of accepted pre-proposals: March 2018
  • Deadline for full proposal submission: 15th May 2018, 17.00 CET
  • Notification of accepted proposals: October 2018

CHIST-ERA projects have a duration of either 24 or 36 months.

All applicants are advised to check the relevant national eligibility criteria and requirements, as those provide important information, for instance on how to fill out the budget tables.

Applicants are invited to use the Partner Search Tool (available at which facilitates matches between potential partners with similar ideas. It provides the opportunity to express interest either in joining a research proposal or to search for partner(s) for an existing proposal.


Information for Polish applicants:

  1. On the full proposal stage Polish applicants must register their applications in the OSF submission system (UNISONO application). The application includes the following budget table:
  2. We strongly encourage all applicants to read information on eligible costs included in the Annex to NCN Council’s Resolution on funding granted within calls for proposals for international research projects (UNISONO, s. 5-12).
  3. Projects including Polish teams may last 24 or 36 months.
  4. If one international project includes partners from two different Polish Host Institutions, these institutions must apply as a consortium. Each Host Institution comprising the consortium has a separate budget, but the limit on the remuneration, referred to in paragraph 2.1.2 of the above mentioned document, applies to the consortium as a whole (please see UNISONO, p. 8-9). Please note that Polish consortia have higher limits on the remuneration. 
  5. Budget of the Polish part of the research project in the OSF system should be given in PLN: 1 EUR= 4,2071 PLN.


Marlena Wosiak,, + 48 12 341 9093

Lifelong Learning for Intelligent Systems (LLIS); Visual Analytics for Decision Making under Uncertainty (VADMU) (closed)

Call results

Topics of the 2016 opportunity are:

  • Lifelong Learning for Intelligent Systems (LLIS)
  • Visual Analytics for Decision Making under Uncertainty (VADMU)

Proposals must be submitted by research groups composed of at least 3 partners from 3 different countries participating in the CHIST-ERA call.

Project duration: 24 or 36 months

Call deadline: 17th of January 2017, 17.00 CET

Call results: July 2017

Call documentation :

You are also invited to use Partner Search Tool, a development facilitating matches between potential partners with similar ideas.

For detailed information on the call, go to:

Information for polish applicants:

  1. Polish applicants must register their applications in the OSF submission system (UNISONO application, please see Annex to NCN Council’s Resolution no. 56/2016). This application includes the following budget table.
  2. Budget of the Polish part of the research project in the OSF system should be given in PLN (1 EUR= 4,3122 PLN). 
  3. We strongly encourage all applicants to read information on eligible costs included in the Annex to NCN Council’s Resolution on funding granted within calls for proposals for international research projects (UNISONO, p. 6-13).
  4. If one international project includes partners from two different Polish Host Institutions, these institutions must apply as a consortium (please see also UNISONO – p. 2: IV, § 8 and p. 9:  footnote 16). Each Host Institution comprising the consortium has a separate budget, but the limit on the remuneration, referred to in paragraph 2.1. of the above mentioned document, applies to the consortium as a whole.
  5. We invite all researchers who plan to apply within the CHIST-ERA call to contact the NCN.


Marlena Wosiak, tel. 12 341 9093


User-Centric Security, Privacy and Trust in the Internet of Things (SPTIoT); Terahertz Band for Next-Generation Mobile Communication Systems (TMCS) (closed)

The National Science Centre and the CHIST-ERA consortium invite researchers to a new edition of the call for international research projects. Topics of the 2015 opportunity are:

  • User-Centric Security, Trust and Privacy in the Internet of Things (SPTIoT);
  • Terahertz Band for Next-Generation Mobile Communication Systems (TMCS).

The deadline for submitting applications is 13th of January 2016, 17:00 CET.

It is also required that Polish applicants fill in the UNISONO form by the 13th of January 2016, using the OSF electronic submission system:


The NCN Council has set the contribution from the NCN, for the support of Polish projects, at  EUR 500,000.

Please make yourself familiar with the documents of the call:

  1. CHIST-ERA Call 2015 Announcement
  2. CHIST-ERA Call 2015 Eligibility Requirements
  3. CHIST-ERA Call 2015 Proposal Form
  4. CHIST-ERA Call 2015 Financial Template
  5. CHIST-ERA Call 2015 Leaflet

Budget of the Polish part of the research project in the OSF system should be given in PLN (1 EUR= 4,2153 PLN). 

For detailed information on the call, go to:

You are also invited to use Partner Search Tool, a development facilitating matches between potential partners with similar ideas.


Marlena Wosiak, tel. 12 341 9093

Resilient Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems (RTCPS);Human Language Understanding: Grounding Language Learning (HLU) (closed)

The deadline for submitting applications is 13 January, 2015, 5 p.m. (CET).

It is also required that Polish applicants send in an initial application, along with attachments, by  20 January, 2015, using the OSF electronic submission system ( – please use the UNISONO form).


Within this call the NCN Council has allocated 500 000 EUR for Polish research projects.

Call documentation:

  1. CHIST-ERA Call 2014 Anouncement
  2. CHIST-ERA Call 2014 Eligibility Requirements
  3. CHIST-ERA Call 2014 Proposal Form
  4. CHIST-ERA Call 2014 Financial Template
  5. CHIST-ERA Call 2014 Leaflet

For detailed information please see:

Applicants are also invited to use Partner Search Tool (, in order to express interest either in joining a research project proposal or to search partner(s) for joining an existing proposal idea.

Polish project awarded within the call:

Access Multilingual Information opinions

Polish PI: dr Mikołaj Leszczuk, AGH University of Technology

Partners: Kamel Smaïli – koorydnator projektu (University of Lorraine, France), prof. Begoña García Zapirain (DEUSTO, Spain), prof. Juan-Manual Torres-Moreno (University of Avignon, France)

Adaptive Machines in Complex Environments; Heterogeneous Distributed Computing (closed)

CHIST-ERA is looking for transformative and highly multidisciplinary research projects in ICST. They should explore new ideas with potential for significant scientific and technical impacts in the long term.

Research team: composed of research teams from at least 3 countries participating in the call

Countries participating in the call:

Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom

Project duration: up to 3 years

NCN budget for the call: € 500 000


Application deadline: 21st of January 2014

Final results:  September 2014

Call documents:

Call Announcement,

Proposal Form,

Eligibility Requirements,

Financial Template,


For more information please click here:

Polish project awarded within the call:

Heterogenous Parallel and Distributed Computing in Java

Project Leader (Polish PI): dr hab. Piotr Bała (University of Warsaw)

Partners: dr Costas Bekas (IBM Research Lab, Switzerland), prof. Dimitrios Nikolopoulos (Queen’s University of Belfast, Ireland), dr Buğra Gedik (Bilkent Üniversitesi, Turkey)



CHIST-ERA III has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 768977.

CHIST-ERA IV has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 857925.